
Frank Liou
Frank Liou

Michael and Joyce Bytnar Product Innovation and Creativity Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Senior Investigators

Sajal Das
Sajal Das

Daniel St. Clair Endowed Chair Professor
Computer Science

Ming Leu
Ming Leu

Curators' Distinguished Professor and Keith and Pat Bailey Distinguished Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Frank Liou
Frank Liou

Michael and Joyce Bytnar Product Innovation and Creativity Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Sanjay Kumar Madria
Sanjay Madria

Curators' Distinguished Professor
Computer Science

Jag Sarangapani
Jag Sarangapani

Rutledge-Emerson Distinguished Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Don Wunsch
Don Wunsch

Mary K. Finley Missouri Distinguished Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering


Venkat Allada
Venkat Allada

Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Ahmad Alsharoa
Ahmad Alsharoa

Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Md Arifuzzaman
Md Arifuzzaman

Assistant Professor

Daryl Beetner
Daryl Beetner

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Amy Belfi
Amy Belfi

Associate Professor
Psychological Science

Rui Bo
Rui Bo

Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Douglas Bristow
Douglas Bristow

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Mario Buchely
Mario Buchely

Roberta and G. Robert Couch Assistant Professor
Materials Science and Engineering

Casey Canfield
Casey Canfield

Associate Professor
Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Nilanjan Chakraborty
Nilanjan Chakraborty

Assistant Professor
Mathematics and Statistics

K. Chandrashekhara
K. Chandrashekhara

Curators' Distinguished Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Steven Corns
Steven Corns

Associate Professor
Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Cihan Dagli
Cihan Dagli

Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Fatih Dogan
Fatih Dogan

Materials Science and Engineering

Xiaosong Du

Assistant Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Arezoo Emdadi
Arezoo Emdadi

Assistant Professor
Materials Science and Engineering

David Enke
David Enke

Curators' Distinguished Teaching Professor
Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Mehdi Ferdowsi
Mehdi Ferdowsi

National Science Foundation CAREER Awarded Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Abhijit Gosavi
Abhijit Gosavi

Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Guirong Yan
Daoru Han

Associate Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Wenqing Hu
Wenqing Hu

Associate Professor
Mathematics and Statistics

Jie Huang
Jie Huang

Roy A. Wilkens Endowed Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Chulsoon Hwang
Chulsoon Hwang

Woodard Associate Professor for Excellence
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Irina Ivliyeva
Irina Ivliyeva

Curator's Distinguished Teaching Professor of Russian
Arts, Languages, and Philosophy

Jonathan Kimball
Jonathan Kimball

Department Chair and Fred W. Finley Distinguished Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Alanna Krolikowski
Alanna Krolikowski

Associate Professor
History and Political Science

Clair Reynolds Kueny
Clair Reynolds Kueny

Department Chair, Graduate Program Director, and Associate Professor
Psychological Science

Bo Mi Lee
Bo Mi Lee

Assistant Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Zhi Liang
Zhi Liang

Associate Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Mia Mohammad Imran
Mia Mohammad Imran

Assistant Professor

Siddhardh Nadendla
Siddhardh Nadendla

Assistant Professor
Computer Science

Mohamed Nafea
Mohamed Nafea

Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Gabriel Nicolosi
Gabriel Nicolosi

Assistant Professor
Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Anthony Okafor
Anthony Okafor

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Gayla Olbricht
Gayla Olbricht

Mathematics and Statistics

Jonghyun Park
Jonghyun Park

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Chaoying Pei
Chaoying Pei

Assistant Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Sahra Sedigh
Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani

Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Pourya Shamsi
Pourya Shamsi

Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Daniel B. Shank
Daniel Shank

Associate Professor
Psychological Science

Ting Shen
Ting Shen

Assistant Professor
Psychological Science

Yun Seong Song
Yun Seong Song

Associate Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Haiming Wen
Haiming Wen

Associate Professor
Materials Science and Engineering

David Wright
David Wright

English and Technical Communication

Guirong Yan
Guirong (Grace) Yan

Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering

Xiaodong Yang
Xiaodong Yang

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Maciej Zawodniok
Maciej Zawodniok

Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering