Dr. Fatih Dogan is a Professor of Ceramic Engineering in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the current Director of the Center for Research in Energy and Environment (CREE) at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. He has received his M.S. (1984) and Ph.D. (1989) in Materials Science and Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany; and held research faculty positions at the University of Washington and Princeton University before joining Missouri S&T in 2002. He served as co-Director of the Center of Dielectric Studies, a NSF Multi-University Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (2003-2013) and on the editorial board of the “Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology”, and “Science and Technology of Advanced Materials”. Dr. Dogan is a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society. His research interests encompass “Nanostructured Energy Materials” including solid oxide fuel cells, high energy density capacitors, batteries and high temperature superconductors with a focus on processing, microstructure and property relationships of ceramic materials. The roadmap developed within AFRL and DARPA programs describes how to apply nano-scale science and engineering expertise along with lessons learned from nature to create revolutionary new approaches for the development of long-duration power systems with high energy capacity. Another area of his research interest is on neutron scattering studies of high temperature superconductors that resulted in highly cited journal articles published in Nature and Science.

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