Guirong (Grace) Yan


Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering


Courses Taught

Structural Design in Metals, Structural Analysis, Advanced Structural Analysis, Bridge Engineering, Structural System Identification and Structural Health Monitoring

Major Honors and Awards

  • UTEP Outstanding Research Performance Award, 2014
  • NSF Fellow for ENHANCE (NSF-National Science Foundation), 2013
  • TRB faculty Mentor (TRB-Transportation Research Board), 2013

Current Research Projects

  1. “Damage and Instability Detection of Civil Large-scale Space Structures under Operational and Multi-hazard Environments based on Change in Macro-geometrical Patterns/Shapes,” National Science Foundation, Hazard Mitigation and Structural Engineering program, project No.: 1405023, $314,262, PI, Jul. 2014-Jun. 2016.
  2. “Experimental Validation of Novel Embedded Diagnostics Wireless Structural Monitoring Systems,” National Science Foundation, NEES program, Subaward through Stanford University, $42,540, PI, Sept. 2013-June. 2015.

Research Interests:

Resilient infrastructural systems in multi-hazard environments, Structural health monitoring, Structural damage detection, Wireless sensor networks, Advanced signal processing, Nonlinear system identification and damage detection, Model updating of structural FEMs, Structural vibration control, Smart materials and structures

