Each year, the Intelligent Systems Center holds a Graduate Research Symposium where all ISC-funded graduate students present on their research and findings. Above are photos taken at the 2023 Graduate Research Symposium.
Location: Innovation Lab - Forum Room
Date: Monday, April 14, 2025
Oral Session: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (subject to change)
Dress: Business Attire
Wednesday, March 5th @ 11:59PM
Email title of paper and April 14th class schedule to isc@mst.edu.
Wednesday, March 19th @ 11:59PM
Email abstract in Word format and written paper in PDF format as attachments to isc@mst.edu.
Wednesday, April 9th @ Noon
Submit final PowerPoint presentation in 16:9 PPT format to isc@mst.edu.
In order to be considered for awards, all deadlines must be met on time.
ISC faculty are invited to participate in the Graduate Research Symposium by serving as a judge for written papers and oral presentations.
Please sign-up via email to isc@mst.edu.
Tunay is a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering whose paper is titled “Numerical Simulations and Experimental Validation of Laser Foil Printing Additive Manufacturing to Predict Melt Pool Dimensions and Cooling Rate”.
Advised by:
Dr. Ming Leu, Keith and Pat Bailey Distinguished Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Co-advised by:
Dr. Jonghyun Park, Associate Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Gabriel is a Masters student in Psychological Science whose paper is titled “Dynamic Modeling of R-NetWORC and its Role in Bridging the Gap Between Those in Recovery, the Community, and the Workplace”.
Advised by:
Dr. Venkat Allada, Professor of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering
Dr. Clair Reynolds Kueny, Associate Professor of Psychological Science
Haotiang is a Doctoral student in Mechanical Engineering whose paper is titled “Switchable Circular Dichroism Infrared Phase Change Metasurface”.
Advised by:
Dr. Xiaodong Yang, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Behzad Farzanegan | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Multi-tasking Safe Optimal Tracking Control of Strict-feedback Nonlinear Discrete-time Systems |
Gabriel Rodriguez | Dr. Clair Kueny | Dynamic Modeling of R-NetWORC and its Role in Bridging the Gap Between Those in Recovery, the Community, and the Workplace |
Haotian Tang | Dr. Xiaodong Yang | Switchable Circular Dichroism Infrared Phase Change Metasurface |
Joel Schott | Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani | Automated Generation of Malware Metadata Signatures |
John Simmons | Dr. Irina Ivliyeva | Russian Verbs of Sound’s Web-Scraping Results from the A.A. Zalizniak Grammatical Dictionary and the Russian National Corpus. Multi-Dimensional Scaling Techniques and Visualization Strategies |
Md Sazol Ahmmed | Dr. Frank Liou | Laser Beam Shaping and Its Effect on the Melt Pool State in Powder Based Laser Directed Energy Deposition- A Review |
Nayan Pundhir | Dr. K Chandrashekhara | Characterization of Additively Manufactured Carbon/PEEK Composites |
Priyesh Ranjan | Dr. Sajal Das | Personalized Federated Learning for Robust Healthcare Data Analytics |
Saeid Alipour Masoumabad | Dr. Arezoo Emdadi |
Future of Off-earth Manufacturing: Utilizing Lunar Regolith in Metal Additive Manufacturing for Sustainable Space Exploration |
Shreen Gul | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Important Weights Selection for Active Learning |
Tazdik Patwary Plateau | Dr. Jonghyun Park | Polymer Composites as Resilient Shields Against Electromagnetic Pollution |
Tobechukwu Kingsley Abor | Dr. Anthony Okafor | Investigation of Thermal Conductivity of Vegetable Oil-Based Nanofluids for Minimum Quantity Lubrication Machining of Difficult-to-cut Metals |
Tunay Turk | Dr. Ming Leu | Numerical Simulations and Experimental Validation of Laser Foil Printing Additive Manufacturing to Predict Melt Pool Dimensions and Cooling Rate |
Visharad Jalan | Dr. Haiming Wen | Additive Manufacturing of Continuous SiC Fiber-reinforced SiC Ceramic Composite by an Extrusion-based Technique |
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Arindam Khanda | Dr. Sajal Das | Finding Efficient Routes for Drone-based Delivery under Time-varying Dynamics |
Baya Cherif | Dr. Ahmad Alsharoa | Leveraging LiDAR Sensor for Robust Pedestrian Detection and Tracking |
Behzad Farzanegan | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Lifelong Reinforcement Learning-Based Optimal Tracking Control for Marine Applications |
Colton Walker | Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani | Learn from the past: Using peer data to improve course recommendations in personalized education |
Ehab ur Rahman | Dr. Rui Bo | A Computer Vision Based GMPP Tracking for Photovoltaic System Under Partial Shading Condition |
Eyuel Getahun | Dr. Steven Corns | Reducing discrimination in hiring using algorithmic recommendations: An investigation into how people make hiring decision when receiving biased AI recommendations |
Haotian Tang | Dr. Jie Gao | Wavelength-tunable infrared chiral metasurfaces with phase-change materials |
Jonathan Kelley | Dr. Frank Liou | Effect of laser beam shape on melt pool geometry in powder-based laser-directed energy deposition |
Kartikeya Jayadurga Prasad Veeramraju | Dr. Jonathan Kimball | Soft Switching Analysis in an AC-AC Dual Active Bridge for Reactive Power Flow Mechanism |
Md. Hasibur Rahman | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Machine Learning for Vision-based UAV Detection and Tracking: Current Developments and Challenges |
Mohamed Elmahallawy | Dr. Tony Luo | Secure and Efficient Federated Learning in LEO Constellations using Decentralized Key Generation On-Orbit Model Aggregation |
Paul Onyishi | Dr. Anthony Okafor | Study of Thermal Conductivity of Low Oleic and High Oleic Soybean Oils as Base Fluids for Minimum Quantity Lubrication when Machining of Difficult-to-cut Metals and Conventional Emulsion Cutting Fluids as Benchmark |
Ronit Das | Dr. Tony Luo | Modelling Weiner Processes using Moment Matching Network |
Saeed Habibi | Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi | An Extendable High gain Boost Converter for Renewable Energy Applications |
Sasha Petrenko | Dr. Donald Wunsch II | Deep Adaptive Resonance Theory |
Siva Sai Krishna Dasari | Dr. K Chandrashekhara | Additive Manufactured Composite Tool Plate for Injection Molding Process |
Tao Liu | Dr. Ming Leu | In-Situ Powder Thermal Diffusivity Measurement in Laser Powder Bed Fusion through Lock-in Long-wave Infrared Thermography |
Tazdik Patwary Plateau | Dr. Jonghyun Park | Multifunctional Carbon Nanofibers via Selective Laser Carbonization and Plasma Stabilization |
Visharad Jalan | Dr. Haiming Wen | Microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation behavior of laser remelted refractory high entropy alloy |
Yueken Chen | Dr. Xiangyang Dong | Multifunctional characterization of 3D printed carbon fiber structural battery composites |
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Arindam Khanda | Dr. Sajal Das | Drone-Truck Co-operated Delivery System Under Time Varying Dynamics |
Behzad Farzanegan | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Zero-Sum Game-Based Optimal Tracking Control of Nonlinear Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems by using Hybrid Learning and Experience Replay |
Charnise Anderson | Dr. Daniel Shank | Prejudice Toward the Accents of Smart Home Assistants |
Haotian Tang | Dr. Jie Gao | Dual-band Chiral Absorbers in the Mid-infrared Regime |
Kartikeya Veeramraju | Dr. Jonathan Kimball | Power Flow Analysis and Mechanisms for an AC-AC-DC Triple Active Bridge Based Solid State Transformer |
Md Yasin Kabir | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Polarization detection and exploration using COVID-19 tweets |
Mohamed Elmahallawy | Dr. Tony Luo | Enhanced Asynchronous Federated Learning for Leo Mega-Constellations Via Inter-Hap Links |
Nicolas Dobbins | Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani | Personalizing Student Graduation Paths using Expressed Student Interests |
Omar Rinchi | Dr. Ahmad Alsharoa | Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Near-Field Localization Using Atomic Norm Minimization |
Paul Nnarotam Onyishi | Dr. Anthony Okafor | Cutting Strategies for Machining Advance Material |
Ramin Rahimi | Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi and Dr. Pourya Shamsi | An Interleaved High Step-Up DC-DC Converter with Built-in Transformer for Renewable Energy Applications |
Sasha Petrenko | Dr. Donald Wunsch | Lifelong Context Recognition via Online Deep Clustering |
Siva Sai Krishna Dasari | Dr. K Chandrashekhara | Evaluation of Fracture Toughness of Additively Manufactured Metal Cellular Structures |
Tao Liu | Dr. Ming Leu | In-Situ Infrared Thermographic Inspection for Local Powder Layer Thickness Measurement in Laser Powder Bed Fusion |
Tazdik Patwary Plateau | Dr. Jonghyun Park | A Highly Conductive and Well-Percolated SiO2-based Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries via Rapid Flash Sintering Manufacturing |
Usman Tariq | Dr. Frank Liou | Numerical Analysis of Local Gas Shielding of Continuous Co-Axial Nozzle on Additive Manufactured Part |
Victor Paul DeLibera | Dr. Haiming Wen | Additive Manufacturing of Novel Precipitate-Strengthened Multi-Principal Element Alloys for High-Temperature Structrural Applications |
Wei Su | Dr. Xinhua Liang | Disclosing the Formation of LAGP Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering and Corresponding Battery Performances |
Yasaman Jamalipour Soofi | Dr. Cihan Dagli | Machine Learning-Assisted Aluminum Alloy Discovery |
Yi Zhao | Dr. Guirong Yan | Reveal Tornadic Wind Effects on Mobile or Manufactured Homes through High-Fidelity CFD Simulations |
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Akhil Menon | Dr. Xinhua Liang | Bifunctional Catalysts for Single-step CO2 Hydrogenation to DME |
Arindam Khanda | Dr. Sajal Das | A Dynamic Graph Approach Towards Efficient Drone-based Delivery System |
Chen Zhu | Dr. Jie Huang | Microwave Device Inspired by Fiber-Optic Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometer: A Novel-Ultrasensitive Sensing Platform |
Christopher Croft | Dr. Frank Liou | Process Feedback and Control in Wire fed Additive Manufacturing Processes |
Congjie Wei | Dr. Xiangyang Dong | Modeling for Crack Propagation Based on Deep Learning and Long Short Term Memory Networks |
Maxwell Geiger | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Optimal Tracking Control of Partially Uncertain Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems with Application to Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Using Adaptive Dynamic Programming |
Md Asad Rahman | Dr. Jinling Liu | Apply and Evaluate an Instance-Specific Causal Machine Learning Framework for Identifying the Causative Genomic Variants of Hypertension |
Md Yasin Kabir | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Machine Learning Models for Emotion Exploration Using COVID-19 Tweets |
Muhammad Malik | Dr. Jonathan Kimball | Analytical Expression for DC Link Capacitor Current in a Cascaded H-Bridge Multi-Level Active Front-End Converter |
Nathan Lutes | Dr. Siddhardh Nadendla | Effects pf Inattention on Bayesian Stackelberg Equilibrium in Driver-Vehicle Interaction Under Road State Uncertainty |
Oluwadamilare Omale | Dr. Benjamin Kwasa | Modelling the Spread of Fire in Urban Infrastructure Using Virtual Reality |
Ramin Rahimi | Dr. Pourya Shamsi | A DC-DC Converter with Voltage-Boosting Capability for Using Photovoltaic Energy in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations |
Saeed Habibi | Dr. Pourya Shamsi | Efficiency Assessment of a DC House at Low and High Distribution Voltages |
Simon Thougaard | Dr. Bruce McMillin | Collaborative Intrusion Detection for Large Autonomous Drone Swarms |
Siva Dasari | Dr. K Chandrashekhara | Process Modeling and Manufacturing of Carbon Fiber Composites Using Microwave Curing |
Tazdik Plateau | Dr. Ming Leu & Dr. Jonghyun Park | A Computational Analysis of Defect Generation in Thick Powder Layers for High Build-Rate Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process |
Theodore Nwoguh | Dr. Antony Okafor | Effects of Milling Method and Cutting Speed on Cutting Force and Tool Wear |
Tunay Turk | Dr. Ming Leu | Automating the Laser Foil Printing Process |
Xin Wang | Dr. Douglas Bristow & Dr. Robert Landers | A Control-Oriented Switched Model with Adaptive Control Design for Selective Laser Melting |
Cancelled due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Adam Bratten | Dr. Haiming Wen | Additive Manufacturing of SIC for Nuclear Application |
Adityya Thakur | Dr. Xiangyang Dong | Fabrication and Characterization of High-Purity Alumina Ceramics Doped with |
Ajay Pratap | Dr. Sajal Das | On Maximizing Task Throughput in IoT-Enabled 5G Networks Under Latency and Bandwidth |
Akhilesh Raj | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Distributed State Estimation and Tracking Scheme using Active Passive Sensor Networks |
Ayan Roy | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Vanet and Cloud-Based Secure Traffic Monitoring |
Charng-Yuh Lee | Dr. Xiangyang Dong | 3D-Printing of a Multifunctional Lithium-Ion Electrode with Fused Deposition Modeling |
Chia-Hung Hung | Dr. Ming Leu | Enhanced Mechanical Properties for 304L Stainless Steel Parts Fabricated by Laser-Foil-Printing Additive Manufacturing |
Deacon Seals | Dr. Minsu Choi | A Survey of Automated FPGA-Based Accelerator Generation |
Fernaz Jasdanwala | Dr. Bruce McMillin | Application of formal Methods in Computer Security to Telemedicine |
He Li | Dr. Douglas Bristow & Dr. Robert Landers | Application of Switched Iterative Learning Control to Multi-Agent System Coordination |
Hiep Pham | Dr. Robert Landers & Dr. Jonghyun Park | A Novel Cell Design of Alkaline-Based Zinc-Iodide Flow Battery for Enhancing Energy and Power Performance |
Leixin Ouyang | Dr. Xiaodong Yang | Near-Infrared Broad Band Chiral Plasmonic Metasurface Absorbers |
Marium Yousuf | Dr. Sajal Das & Dr. Devin Burns | Diagnosing Dementia Using Smart Chair, Wearable Device, and Testing Apps |
Matthew Luebe | Dr. Maalavan Arivu | Direct Laser Deposition of Fe-Cr, Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-Cr Alloys as a Pathway to Additive Manufacturing of High-Entropy Alloys |
Md Moniruzzaman | Dr. Zhaozheng Yin & Dr. Ruwen Qin | Spatial Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Fire and Traffic Accident Scene Classification |
Muhammad Azmain Abdullah | Dr. Xiaodong Yang & Dr. Jie Gao | Infrared Metasurface Perfect Thermal Emitter for Molecule Sensing |
Muhammad Roman | Dr. Ming Leu | Development of a Temperature Sensing System Based on a Longwave Infrared (LWIR) Thermal Camera for Smart Aerospace Additive Manufacturing |
Natasha Jarus | Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani | Formalizing Cyber-Physical System Model Transformation Via Abstract Interpretation |
Okanmisope Fashanu | Dr. K. Chandrashekhara | Composite Sandwich Structures with Additively Manufactured Metallic Cores |
R. Krishnan | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Distributed Optimization Scheme for Deep Neural Network Weight Tuning |
S. Mohammad H. Hojjatzadeh | Dr. Lianyi Chen | Microscale Dynamics and Mechanisms of Flash Sintering Process Revealed by In-Situ X-Ray Imaging Technique |
Sachin Choudhary | Dr. Ming C. Leu | A Review of Extrusion Freeform Fabrication Methods for Ceramic Additive Manufacturing |
Sai Hemanth Kankanala | Dr. Jonathan W. Kimball | Modeling and Control of Fast Charging Station |
Sara Yazdani | Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi | Effect of Virtual Inertia on DC-Link Capacitor Condition Monitoring in a PV-Statcom |
Shudip Datta | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Secure Information Forwarding Through Fragmentation In Delay-Tolerant Networks |
Simon Thougaard | Dr. Bruce McMillin | Catching the Thief Eventually |
Siva Sai Krishna Dasari | Dr. K. Chandrashekhara | Microwave Curing for Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites |
Theodore Obumselu Nwoguh | Dr. Anthony Chukwujekwu Okafor | Effects of Milling Method and Cutting Speed on Machinability in High-Speed Face Milling of Inconel-718 Under Emulsion Flood Cooling Using Shell Mill Inserts |
Wenyuan Cui | Dr. Frank Liou | Fabrication of AlCoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloy Coating on an AISI 304 Substrate via a CoFe2Ni Intermediate Layer |
Yaqi Zhu | Dr. Jonghyun Park | Multi-Physical Modeling of Selective Laser Melting |
Yitao Chen | Dr. Frank Liou | A Review of Metallic Functionally Graded Materials Fabricated by Directed Energy Deposition |
Zuhui Wang | Dr. Zhaozheng Yin | Dr. Instagram May Be a Liar: Detecting Medical Misinformation on Social Media |
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Akhilesh Raj | Dr. Sarangapani | Distributed State Estimation by Using Consensus Based Adaptive Observers |
Anandan Sudharshan | Dr. K. Chandrashekhara, Dr. Joseph Newkirk | Failure in Additively Manufactured Metal Honeycombs |
Ayan Roy | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Velocity-Based Data Authentication in Vehicular AD-HOC Network |
Brad J. Ziegler | Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani | Analysis and Prediction of Failure for Embedded Systems: A Proposal for Doctoral Research |
Arul Mathi Maran Chandran | Shanshan Bi, Kenneth Naumann, and Jared Hanisch | Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems with Application to Vehicle-to-Vehicle Collision Avoidance |
Vamsi Krishna | Dr. Bruce McMillin, Dr. Jonathan Kimball | Comparative study for Security Analysis of various Transactive Energy Management architectures in Smart Grid- Cyber Physical Systems |
Islam Elnabarawy, Daniel Tauritz | Dr. Wunsch | Evolving Fuzzy ART Functionality Using A Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristic |
Giacomo Fraioli | Abhijit Gosavi, Lesley Sneed | Discrete-Event-Based Simulation (DEBS) Model for Post-Earthquake Response in a Smart City |
Emily Jeanisea | YanXiao Li | Effects of Origami and Kirigami indoor blinds on cognitive ability, emotions and attitudes |
Jian Kang | Yousef Elmehdwi, Dan Lin | SLIM: Secure and Lightweight Identity Management in VANETs with Minimum Infrastructure Reliance |
Anirudh Krishnamurthy | Buddhabhushan Salunkhe, Dr. Fateme Rezaei, and Dr. Schuman | Breathable Paints for Indoor Air CO2 Control in Smart Buildings |
Lan Li | Dr. Liou | Evaluation of Semi-Infinite Vertical Cracks Using Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) Infrared Thermography |
Leixin Ouyang | Dr. Xiaodong Yang | Infrared Chiral Plasmonic Metasurface Absorber |
Jie Li | Dr. Park | Near-Field Electrospinning Process of Piezoelectric Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride)(PVDF) Fibers |
Wei Lia | Dr. Liou | Experimental and Modeling Investigations on Pre-mixed Powder Flow in Laser Metal Deposition |
S. Mohammad, H. Hojjatzadeh, Wei Luo | Dr. Lianyi Chen, Dr. Zhaozheng Yin | Revealing the Origin of Quality Uncertainty in Selective Laser Melting of Metals by Computer Vision Based Methods |
MD Azharul Islam |
Dr. Sanjay Madria | A Blockchain Assisted Provenance System for Cloud |
Md Moniruzzaman | Dr. Zhaozheng Yin | Video-Based Human Action Recognition Using Spatial and Temporal Attention |
Samareh Moradpour | Dr. Suzanna Long | A Decision-making Framework Based on a Combination of Multi-criteria Decisionmaking and Data Mining Methods for Work Zone Safety |
Nathan Jarus | Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani, Dr. Ali Hurson | Transforming Cyber-Physical System Models |
Theodore Nwoguh | Dr. Anthony C. Okafor | Investigation of Cutting Forces and Modeling in High Speed Face-Milling of Difficult-to-Cut Metals |
Paresh Patel | Dr. Kimball | A robust grid-connected inverter control design against large-transient grid disturbances |
Sai Sidharth Patlolla | Dr. Bruce McMillen | An Approach for Formal Analysis of the Security of a Water Treatment Testbed |
Qizi Zhang | Dr. Balakrishnan | Parameter Estimation with Quantum Inspired Techniques and Adaptive Multiple-Mode Filters |
Krishnan Raghavan | Dr. Sarangapani | Mitigating Heterogeneity and Data-Noise of Bigdata using Deep Neural Network Learning Based Analytics |
Satyaki Roy | Dr. Sajal K. Das | Bio-DRN: Bio-Inspired Disaster Response Network |
Sudharsan Vaidhun | Dr. Zhishan Guo, Dr. Sajal K. Das | Air Traffic Scheduling under Uncertain Sector Capacities |
Wenbin Li | Dr. Ming C. Leu, Dr. Gregory E. Hilmas | Fabricating Ceramic Components with Water Dissolvable Support Structures by The Ceramic On-Demand Extrusion Process |
Sara Yazdani | Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi | Implementation of a Voltage Sensor-less Current-Control Technique Based on Internal Model Principle with Xilinx System Generator |
Yiheng Wang | Dr. Zheng | 3-Dimensional Path Planning for Multiple AUVs Using Dubins Curves |
Yingqi Li | Dr. Ming Leu, Dr. Hai-lung Tsai | Additive Manufacturing of Zr-Based Metallic Glass Structures on 304 Stainless Steel Substrates via V/TI/ZR Intermediate Layers |
Yiyang Zhuang | Dr. Huang | Rayleigh Backscattering Based Distributed Liquid Pipeline Detection with a Pre-Heating Apparatus |
Zhengwei Hu | Dr. Du | System Reliability Prediction with Outsourced Components Based on Partial Safety Factor Method |
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Sudharshan Anandan | Dr. Chandrashekhara, Dr. Schuman | Modeling and Simulation of Curing Process in Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites |
Benjamin Daniels | Dr. Tauritz | Minimizing Attack Vectors in Computer Systems by Evolving Access Control Matrices |
Vijay K. Shah | Dr. Sajal Das | CTR: Cluster based Topological Routing for Disaster Response Networks |
Yao Cheng | Dr. Xiaoping Du | Effect of Dependent Interval Distribution Parameters on Reliability Prediction |
Yingqi Li | Dr. Ming Leu | Laser Welding of Metallic Glass Foils onto Ti Substrate in Laserfoil-Printing Additive Manufacturing |
George J. Shannon | Dr. Steven Corns, Dr. Donald Wunsch | Cognition-Based Natural Language Processing and Search for Medicine |
Zhishan Guo | Dr. Ashikahmed Bhuiyan | Energy-Efficient Multi-Core Scheduling for Real-Time DAG Tasks |
Haohan Li | Dr. Zhaozheng Yin | A Deep Learning Framework for Automated Vesicle Fusion Detection |
Himanshu Jethawa | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Incentive Mechanism for Data-centric Message Delivery in Delay Tolerant Networks |
Isam Alobaidi | Dr. Sedigh Sarvestani, Dr. A.R. Hurson | An Investigation of Diagnostic and Prognostic Applications of Graph Mining |
Islam Elnabarawy | Dr. Donald Wunsch II | Evolutionary Computation for the Automated Design of Category Functions for Fuzzzy ART: An Initial Exploration |
Raghavender Reddy Jakka | Dr. Lianyi Chen | Embedding fiber Optic Sensor into Copper Mold for Continuous Casting of Steel |
Paras Mohan Jasra | Dr. A.C. Okafor | Effects of Cooling Strategies and Milling Methods on Machinability in High Speed End-Milling of Difficult-to-Cut Metals |
Joshua D. Heck | Dr. Ming Leu | Bio-Inspired Flow Fields for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells – Identifying O |
Koosha Marashi | Dr. Sedigh Sarvestani, Dr. A.R. Hurson | Consideration of Cyber-Physical Interdependencies in Reliability Modeling of Smart Grids |
R. Krishnan | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani, Dr. V.A. Samaranayake | A Nonlinear Hierarchical Dimension Reduction Approach Based Generalized Distance Measure for Big Data Analytics |
Lei Wang | Dr. Zawodniok | Hypothesis Test based Motion & Location Sensor Fusion for Tracking in GPS-Challenging Environment |
Lei Yana | Dr. Joe Newkirk, Dr. Frank Liou | Functionally Graded Ti and γ-TiAl by Direct Laser Deposition |
Leixin Ouyang | Dr. Xiaodong Yang | Infrared Radiation Absorbers using Multilayer Metamaterial Cavities |
Wei Lia | Dr. Frank Liou | Effect of Optimizing Particle Size in 3D Printing Functional Graded Material with Blown Pre-mixed Multi-powder |
Muthukumaran Loganathan | Dr. Douglas A. Bristow | A Quasi-Repetitive Controller for Accurate Imaging in Atomic Force Microscopy |
Md Azharul Islam | Dr. Sanjay Madria | A Dynamic Multi-Group Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Cloud |
Samareh Moradpour | Dr. Suzanna Long | Data Analytics and Merging Behavior in Work Zone: A Driving Simulator Study |
Subhajyoti Mukherjee | Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi | Control of a Single-Phase Standalone Inverter without an Output Voltage Sensor |
Prashanth Palaniswamy | Dr. Bruce McMillin | Cyber-Physical Security of a Power Grid System using a Testbed |
Sai Sidharth Patlolla | Dr. Bruce McMillin | Cyber-Physical Security of a Water Treatment System using a Testbed |
Ryan Lawhead | Dr. Abhijit Gosavi, Dr. Susan Murray | A Bounded Actor-Critic Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning with Applications in Airline Revenue Management |
Yiyu Shen | Dr. Tsai | The Time Evolution Of Crystallization in Laser Welding Of Metallic Glass |
Sima Das | Dr. Sajal Das | Graph Compaction in Analyzing Large Scale Online Social Networks |
N. Vignesha | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Event Triggered Control of Interconnected Systems using Integral Reinforcement L |
Xiahan Yang | Dr. Yahong Rosa Zheng | An Image Denoising Method for SAR Images with Low-Sampling Measurements |
Ruoxi Zhang | Dr. Sylvestri | A Network Tomography Approach for Traffic Monitoring in Smart Cities Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Benjamin Daniels | Dr. Daniel Tauritz | Co-Evolutionary Methods to Find Alternative Solutions to Thwart APTs |
John Daniel Peterson | Dr. Tansel Yucelen | New Active--Passive Dynamic Consensus Filter to Reduce the Overall Communication |
Gijian Li | Dr. Jie Gao | Optical Forces in Coupled Plasmonic Split-Ring Resonators |
Muthukumaran Loganathan | Dr. Douglas Bristow | Nanoscale Plowing Process Control Using Dual-Probe Atomic Force Microscopy |
Md Azharl Islam | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Broadcast Scheme Access Policy Using Descriptive Attributes with the Ciphertext |
Haifeng Niu | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Development of Attack Detection Scheme for a Class of Cyber-Physical Systems |
Paras Jasra | Dr. Anthony Okafor | The Effect of Cooling Strategies of Difficult-to-Cut Metals |
Prakash Rao Dunaka | Dr. Bruce McMillin | Cybersecurity of a Chemical Plant |
Sima Das | Dr. Sajal Das | A Community Detection Algorithm with Predefined Upper Bound on the Number |
Samareh Moradpour | Dr. Suzanna Long | Using Simulation to Create a Data Driven Decision Framework for Transportation |
Srinivas Thandu | Dr. Zhaozheng Yin & Dr. Edward Kinzel | Crack Detection in Material by Analyzing DMD Illuminated Spatial-temporal Therma |
Uday Kanteti | Dr. Bruce McMillin | A Multiple Security Domain Model of a Vehicle in an Automated Vehicle System |
Vignesh Narayanan | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Event-Sampled Approximate Optimal Control of Nonlinear Interconnected Systems |
Wenchao Jiang | Dr. Zhaozheng Yin | Accelerometry Signals into a Novel Two-Dimensional Activity Image |
Wenbin Li | Dr. Ming Leu | A Freeform Extrusion Process for Producing Solid Ceramic Components |
Wei Li | Dr. Frank Liou | Experimental & Thermodynamic Modeling Analysis for Functionally Graded Material |
Wenjin Tao | Dr. Ming Leu | Design Of Lattice Structure for Additive Manufacturing |
Xiaofei Cao | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Z-order Encoding Based Delta Compression in Wireless Sensor Networks |
Xiahan Yang | Dr. Yahong Rosa Zheng | Compressed Sensing (CS) Techniques for Image Recovery from Sparse Measurement |
Yiyu Shen | Dr. Hai-Lung Tsai | 3D Printing of Bulk Metallic Glass by Foil-Based Additive Manufacturing Tech |
Zhifu Zhu | Dr. Xiaoping Du | A System Reliability Method with Dependent Kriging Predictions |
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Anurag Panwar | Dr. Sriram Chellappan and Dr. Bruce McMillin | An Algorithm to Address a Location Marginal Pricing Problem in Smart Grids |
Ashikahmed Bhuiyan | Dr. Zhishan Guo | Energy-Aware Real-time Scheduling of a Set of Sporadic Directed Acyclic Graph |
Benjamin Daniels | Dr. Daniel Tauritz | Minimizing Attack Vectors in Computer Systems by Evolving Access Control Matrice |
Brandon Ludwig | Dr. Heng Pan and Dr. Jie Gao | Bonding Strength Capabilities of Lithium Ion Batteries Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing |
Bryce Schumacher | Dr. Donald Wunsch | Common Fallacies and PitFalls of Machine Learning in Finance |
George Rush | Dr. Daniel Tauritz | Coevolutionary Agent-based Network Defense Lightweight Event System (CANDLES) |
George J. Shannon | Dr. Donald Wunsch | Cognition-Based Natural Language Processing and Search for Medicine |
Haifeng Niu | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Optimal Defense and Control for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Haohan Li | Dr. Zhaozheng Yin | A Framework to Automatically Detect Fusion Events |
Himanshu Jethawa | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Incentive Mechanism for Data-Centric Message Delivery in Delay Tolerant Networks |
Isam Alobaidi | Dr. Jennifer Leopold | Data Mining Techniques in Health-Care Prediction |
Islam Elnabarawy | Dr. Donald Wunsch | Biclustering ARTMAP Collaborative Filtering Recommender System |
Koosha Marashi | Dr. Sedighsarvestani | Quantitative Reliability Modeling of Intelligent Water Distribution Networks |
Krishnan Raghavan | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | A Nonlinear Hierarchical Dimension Reduction Approach Based Generalized Distance Measure for Big Data Analytics |
Lei Wang | Dr. Maciej Zawodniok | Hypothesis Test Based Motion and Location Sensor Fusion |
Lei Yan | Dr. Frank Liou | Functionally Graded Ti and γ -TiAl by Direct Laser Deposition |
Leixin Ouyang | Dr. Xiaodong Yang | Infrared Radiation Absorbers using Multilayer Metamaterial Cavities |
Luke Gilbert | Dr. Bristow, Dr. Kinzel, and Dr. Landers | Development of a System for Glass Additive Manufacturing |
Md Azharul Islam | Dr. Sanjay Madria | A Dynamic Multi-Group Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Cloud |
Muthukumaran Loganathan | Dr. Bristow, Dr. Kinzel, and Dr. Landers | A Quasi-Repetitive Controller for Accurate Imaging in Atomic Force Microscopy |
Nima Lotfi | Dr. Robert Landers | Electrochemical Model-based Adaptive Estimation of Li-ion Battery State of Charge |
Paras Jasra | Dr. Okafor | Increased Material Removal Rate to Improve Machining Performance |
Prashanth Palaniswamy | Dr. Bruce McMillin | Cyber-Physical Security of a Power Grid System using a Testbed |
Raghavender Jakka | Lianyi Chen | Embedding fiber Optic Sensor into Copper Mold for Continuous Casting of Steel |
Ruoxi Zhang | Dr. Simone Silvestri | Network Tomographic Techniques to Improve Traffic Monitoring |
Ryan Lawhead | Dr. Abhijit Gosavi | A Bounded Actor-Critic Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning |
Sai Patlolla | Dr. Bruce McMillin | Cyber-Physical Security of a Power Grid System using a Testbed |
Samareh Moradpour | Dr. Suzanna Long | Data Analytics and Merging Behavior in Work Zone: A Driving Simulator Study |
Sima Das | Dr. Sajal Das | Novel Graph Compaction Algorithms that Generate the Desired Compact Graph |
Sreekar Karnati | Dr. Frank Liou | Laser Metal Deposition of Functionally Gradient Materials from Elemental Copper |
Subhajyoti Mukherjee | Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi | Synchronization and Control of Grid-Tied Voltage Source Converterv |
Sudharshan Anandan | Dr. Chandrashekhara | Cure Kinetics of a Carbon Fiber/Bismaleimide Prepreg System |
Vignesh Narayanan | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Non-Cooperative Game Theoretic Formulation along with Off-Policy Reinforcement |
Vijay Shah | Dr. Sajal Das and Dr. Donald Wunsch | CTR: A Cluster based Topological Routing for Disaster Response Networks |
Wei Li | Dr. Frank Liou | Effect of Optimizing Particle Size in 3D Printing Functional Graded Material with Blown Pre-Mixed Multi-Powder |
Xiahan Yang | Dr. Yahong Zheng | An Image Denoising Method for SAR Images with Low-Sampling Measurements |
Yao Cheng | Dr. Xiaoping Du | Effect of Dependent Interval Distribution Parameters on Reliability Prediction |
Yingqi Li | Dr. Ming Leu | Use of Zr Interlayer, Crack-Free Joints to the Formation of Ductile α-Zr Phase |
Yiyu Shen | Dr. Hai-Lung Tsai | The Time Evolution Of Crystallization in Laser Welding Of Metallic Glass |
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Amir Ghazanfari | Dr. Ming Leu | Design of Functionally Gradient Parts for Freeze-Form Extrusion Fabrication Process |
Avimanyu Sahoo | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Event-Based Optimal Control of Uncertain Linear Dynamic Systems Viewed as a Cyber-Physical System |
Benjamin Gruenwald | Dr. Tansel Yucelen | Adaptive Control Of Safety-Critical Systems: Performance Optimization For Guaranteed Learning |
Brijesh Chejerla | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Robust Scheduling And Quality Of Service In Attack Resilient Cloud Assisted |
Changyu Hu | Dr. Xiaodong Yang | Perimental Characterization of Optical Nonlocality in Metal Dielectric |
Chen Chen | Dr. Hai-Lung Tsai | Hermetic Sealing of Glass-to-Metal Via Lasers |
Chukwujekwu Nnadi | Dr. Anthony Okafor | Improving Machinability Of Difficult-To-Cut Advanced Aerospace Materials Through High-Speed End-Milling |
Dao Lam | Dr. Donald Wunsch | An Intgrated Methodology for Clustering and Visualizing Mixed, Erroneous, Missing Features and Outliers |
George Rush | Dr. Daniel Tauritz | DCAFE: A Distributed Cyber Security Automation Framework For Experiments |
Haifeng Niu | Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani | Wireless Passive RFID Networks |
Huawei Yang | Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi | A High-Gain DC-DC Power Converter Topology |
Isam Alobaidi | Dr. Jennifer Leopold | Reliable and Privacy Preserved Communications In Smart-Grids |
Jacob Wilson | Dr. Edward Kinzel | Formation Of Micro-Scale Hexagonally Periodic Structures Using Microsphere |
Jingwei Zhang | Dr. Frank Liou | Probabilistic Simulation Of Solidification Temperature And Morphology Evolution During Laser-Based Metal Deposition |
Krishna Kolan | Dr. Ming Leu | Borate Bioactive Glass Scaffolds Made By The Selective Laser Sintering Process |
Li Feng | Dr. Bruce McMillin | Quantification Of Information Flow In A Smart Grid |
Mayank Raj | Dr. Sajal Das | Energy Aware Disaster Recovery Network Using WiFi Tethering |
Michael Catanzaro | Dr. Bruce McMillin | Plug And Play Device Management For The FREEDM Distributed Grid Intelligence |
Muthu Loganathan | Dr. Douglas Bristow | Dip-Pen Nanolithography Process Control Using A Dual-Probe AFM |
NagaPrashanth Chanda | Dr. Xiaoqing Frank Liu | Software Architecture Rationale Capture and Reuse Through Intelligent Argumentation |
Niaz Ahmed | Dr. Yahong Zheng | Experimental Evaluation Of A Magneto-Inductive Communication System For Underwater Wireless Sensor Network Applications |
Renwei Liu | Dr. Frank Liou | Multi-Axis Path Planning For Robotic Machining In Hybrid System |
Sudharshan Anandan | Dr. Chandrashekharaa and Dr. Xiao | Monitoring Carbon/BMI Composite Laminates Using Embedded Fiber Optic Sensors |
Xin Qiu | Dr. Mariesa Crow | A Microgrid Framework For Smart Control |
Yang Zhang | Dr. Robert Landers | Control Oriented Thrust Force Of Wire Saw Machining |
Yi Ling | Dr. Maggie Cheng | Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Connectivity Assessment And Relay Node Deployment |
Yunxiang Mao | Dr. Zhaozheng Yin | Who Missed The Class? - Unifying Multi-Face Detection, Tracking And Recognition in Videos |
Zhifu Zhu | Dr. Zhen Hu and Dr. Xiaoping Du | Multidisciplinary Reliability Analysis With Stationary Stochastic Processes |
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Sudharshan Anandan | Dr. Chandrashekhara, Dr. Schuman | Out-of-Autoclave Processing of BMI Composites |
Ravi Arvapally | Identifying Outlier Opinions in an Online Intelligent Argumentation System for Collaborative Decision Support | |
Xiaoming Cheng | Self-Healing Corrosion Protection by Phosphate-Doped Enamel Coatings on Steel in Simulated Cement Pore Fluid | |
Sim Das | Interoperability Among Heterogeneous Mobile Multi-Databases | |
Huixu Deng | Metamaterial Absorber/Emitter Based on Nanowire Cavities for Solar Thermo-Photovoltaic Systems | |
Jianxun He | Characterization of Non-Metallic Inclusions and Micro-Porosity in Steel: Forged Ingots, Centrifugal and Net Shape Castings | |
Zhen Hu | Reliability Analysis for Hydrokinetic Turbine Blades Under Random River Velocity Field | |
Sriram Isanaka | Design and Manufacture of Light-Weight, Air Breathing Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells | |
Sejun Kim | Dr. Donald Wunsch | A Comparison of Clustering, Biclustering and Hierarchical Biclustering Algorithm |
Vimal Kumar | Efficient and Secure Code Dissemination in Sensor Clouds | |
Dao Lam | Unsupervised Feature Learning Classification using an Extreme Learning Machine | |
Mingzhong Li | Fast Motion Fly Tracking by Adaptive-LBP and Cascaded Data Association | |
Renwei Liu and Zhiyuan Wang | Realization of Robot Ink Deposition on Curved Surfaces | |
Fnu Maigha | Stochastic Economic Scheduling of Residential PHEV Charging | |
Yungxiang Mao | Pedestrian Detection using Multiple Features | |
Doyal Mukherjee | Privacy Preserving Communications using Spherical Chord | |
Matthew Nuckolls | Automated Generation of Benchmarks with High Discriminatory Power for Specific Sets of Black Box Search Algorithms | |
Sai Preethi Vishwanathan | LOGCHECK: An API to Detect Cyber Bullying | |
Nathan Price | Comparative Analysis of Hardware Accelerated Cognitive Networks | |
Anagha Rayachoti | Improved Phase Shedding Techniques in Interleaved Converters | |
Avimanyu Sahoo | Adaptive Event-Triggered Control for Nonlinear Discrete Time Systems | |
Anusha Sankara, Chakradhar Vadde, and Srinivas Chakravarthi Thandu | Design of a Driver-Centric System Using CPS-CSH Model | |
Kenneth Smith | High Temperature Sensor Based on Fabry-Perot Interferometer in Ceramic Coaxial Cable | |
Ehsan Taghipour | Comparison of Compression Molding and Selective Laser Sintering Processes in making Composite Bipolar Plates for PEM Fuel Cells | |
Aaron Thornton | Freeze-form Extrusion Fabrication of Functionally Graded Materials | |
Lei Wang | Sensor Nodes Localization using Cellular Network | |
Zengli Yang | A Comparative Study of Sparse Methods for 3-D SAR Image Reconstruction | |
Qiming Zhao | Optimal Adaptive Controller Design for Unknown Linear Systems | |
Hesam Zomorodi Moghadam | Switching Model Predictive Control of Aqueous–Based Freeze Extrusion Fabrication Processes |
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Sparks Adivarekar | Dr. Liou | Methodology to Determine Kinematic Parameters for the Postprocessor of Multi-Axis CNC Milling Center |
Ravi Arvapally | Dr. Liu | Identification of Faction Groups and Leaders in Web Based Intelligent Argumentation System for Collaborative Decision Support |
Amir Hassan Bahmani | Dr. Sedigh | Ontology-based Techniques for Context-Aware Personalization of Educational Programs |
Manohar Chamana | Dr. Chowdhury | Enabling Frequency and Voltage Regulation in Microgrids using Wind Power Plants |
Lucas Damoah | Dr. Peaslee | Recycling of Solar Silicon Waste by Particle Sedimentation Under Electromagnetic Field |
Bradley Deuser | Dr. Leu | Freeze-Form Extrusion Fabrication of Functionally Graded Materials |
Li Feng | Dr. Du | Zero Knowledge Proofs for Exact Cover and 0-1 Knapsack |
Nannan Guo | Dr. Leu | Optimization Model for Bio-Inspired Design of Bipolar Plate Flow Fields for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells |
Zhen Hu | Dr. Zheng | Fatigue Analysis for Structures Under Stochastic Loading |
Zhen Huo | Dr. Chandrashekhara | Advanced Moisture Modeling of Polymer Composites |
Hamed Kajbaf | Dr. Zheng | Compressive Sensing for Wideband SAR Imaging Systems |
Heng Liu and Todd Sparks | Dr. Liou | Modeling and Verification of Temperature Distribution and Residual Stress in Laser Aided Metal Deposition Process |
Patrick Margavio | Dr. Tsai | Microlens Array Light Trapping in CdTe/CdS Solar Cells |
Tamal Paul | Dr. Kimball and Dr. McMillin | Unified Knowledge Model for Stability Analysis |
Swithin Razu | Dr. Taki | An Approach to Study Impact of Public Policy, Exogenous Variables, and Vehicle Design on Greenhouse Gas Emission |
Chou Shen | Dr. Choi | Smart Control for Natural Ventilation House |
Kenneth Smith | Dr. Xiao | Embedded Sensors Based on Novel Microwave Grating |
Hao Xu | Dr. Sarangapani | Stochastic Optimal Design of Nonlinear Networked Control System using Input/Output Measurements |
The winners and the names of their papers are:
Presenter | Advisor | Paper Title |
Ravi Akella | Dr. Bruce McMillin | Process Algebra and Bisimulation Techniques for Information Security |
Amir Bahmani | Dr. Sahra Sedigh | Personalized Education with the Percepolis Platform |
Siddhartha Biswas | Dr. Kenneth Peaslee | Development of a Model for Calculating |
Jesse Cross | Dr. Y Rosa Zheng | Underwater Acoustic Channel Estimation and Analysis |
Vishwanath Gandikota | Dr. Yangchuan Xing | Continuous Synthesis of Freestanding ZnO Nanorods in a Flame Reactor |
Zhen Hu | Dr. Xiaoping Du | Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Turbine Blade in Extreme Wind Loading |
Cameron Johnson | Dr. G Kumar Venayagamoorthy | Function Reproduction with Polychronous Spiking Networks |
Golbarg Kazemitutunchi | Dr. Scott Grasman | A New Heuristic for Inventory Routing Problem with Backlog |
Sejun Kim | Dr. Donald Wunsch | A GPU Based Parallel Hierarchical Fuzzy ART Clustering |
Vimal Kumar | Dr. Sanjay Madria | Energy Efficient Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks |
Sriram Prabhu | Dr. Frank Liou | Feasibility of Building an Overhang Structure using Direct Metal Deposition |
Ch. Sweta Dhaveji | Dr. Frank Liou | Generic Visual Simulation of Manufacturing Equipment |
Anshuman Vaidya | Dr. Badrul H. Chowdhury | Microgrid Compatibility of Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems |
Josh Wilkerson | Dr. Daniel Tauritz | Automated Fitness Guided Fault Location |
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