ISC Graduate Research Symposium

Group of students, judges, the chancellor, and guest speaker smiling at symposium event.
First place winner, Jonathan Kelley, smiling next to Intelligent Systems Center banner.
Second place recipient, Tao Liu, presenting behind a podium.
Third place recipient, Tazdik Patwary Plateau, smiling in front of Intelligent Systems Center banner.
Guest speaker, Timothy Faley, presenting on the stochastic and highly iterative process of tech commercialization via startups.
Guest speaker, Timothy Faley, holding a gift bag, shaking hands, and smiling with Sajal Das.
ISC Director, Dr. Frank Liou, looking and smiling at Chancellor Mo while he is speaking.
Graduate researcher, Colton Walker, smiling in front of Intelligent Systems Center banner.
Group of students and judges smiling at the 17th annual ISC Graduate Research Symposium

Each year, the Intelligent Systems Center holds a Graduate Research Symposium where all ISC-funded graduate students present on their research and findings. Above are photos taken at the 2023 Graduate Research Symposium.

Event Details

Location: Innovation Lab - Forum Room

Date: Monday, April 14, 2025

Oral Session: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (subject to change)

Dress: Business Attire

Important Deadlines

Wednesday, March 5th @ 11:59PM

Email title of paper and April 14th class schedule to

Wednesday, March 19th @ 11:59PM

Email abstract in Word format and written paper in PDF format as attachments to

Wednesday, April 9th @ Noon

Submit final PowerPoint presentation in 16:9 PPT format to


In order to be considered for awards, all deadlines must be met on time.

Judge Sign-Ups

ISC faculty are invited to participate in the Graduate Research Symposium by serving as a judge for written papers and oral presentations.


Please sign-up via email to

18th Annual Graduate Research Symposium Winners

First Place: Tunay Turk

Tunay is a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering whose paper is titled “Numerical Simulations and Experimental Validation of Laser Foil Printing Additive Manufacturing to Predict Melt Pool Dimensions and Cooling Rate”.


Advised by:

Dr. Ming Leu, Keith and Pat Bailey Distinguished Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Co-advised by: 

Dr. Jonghyun Park, Associate Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Second Place: Gabriel Rodriguez

Gabriel is a Masters student in Psychological Science whose paper is titled “Dynamic Modeling of R-NetWORC and its Role in Bridging the Gap Between Those in Recovery, the Community, and the Workplace”.


Advised by:

Dr. Venkat Allada, Professor of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Dr. Clair Reynolds Kueny, Associate Professor of Psychological Science

Third Place: Haotian Tang

Haotiang is a Doctoral student in Mechanical Engineering whose paper is titled “Switchable Circular Dichroism Infrared Phase Change Metasurface”.


Advised by:

Dr. Xiaodong Yang, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Presenter Advisor Paper Title

The winners and the names of their papers are:

  • First place: Tunay Turk, “Numerical Simulations and Experimental Validation of Laser Foil Printing Additive Manufacturing to Predict Melt Pool Dimensions and Cooling Rate” advised by Dr. Ming C. Leu
  • Second place: Gabriel Rodriguez, “Dynamic Modeling of R-NetWORC and its Role in Bridging the Gap Between Those in Recovery, the Community, and the Workplace” advised by Dr. Venkat Allada & Dr. Clair Reynolds Kueny
  • Third place: Haotian Tang, “Switchable Circular Dichroism Infrared Phase Change Metasurface” advised by Dr. Xiaodong Yang
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Behzad Farzanegan Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani Multi-tasking Safe Optimal Tracking Control of Strict-feedback Nonlinear Discrete-time Systems 
Gabriel Rodriguez Dr. Clair Kueny Dynamic Modeling of R-NetWORC and its Role in Bridging the Gap Between Those in Recovery, the Community, and the Workplace
Haotian Tang Dr. Xiaodong Yang Switchable Circular Dichroism Infrared Phase Change Metasurface
Joel Schott Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani Automated Generation of Malware Metadata Signatures
John Simmons Dr. Irina Ivliyeva Russian Verbs of Sound’s Web-Scraping Results from the A.A. Zalizniak Grammatical Dictionary and the Russian National Corpus. Multi-Dimensional Scaling Techniques and Visualization Strategies
Md Sazol Ahmmed Dr. Frank Liou Laser Beam Shaping and Its Effect on the Melt Pool State in Powder Based Laser Directed Energy Deposition- A Review
Nayan Pundhir Dr. K Chandrashekhara Characterization of Additively Manufactured Carbon/PEEK Composites
Priyesh Ranjan Dr. Sajal Das Personalized Federated Learning for Robust Healthcare Data Analytics
Saeid Alipour Masoumabad Dr. Arezoo Emdadi

Future of Off-earth Manufacturing: Utilizing Lunar Regolith in Metal Additive Manufacturing for Sustainable Space Exploration

Shreen Gul Dr. Sanjay Madria Important Weights Selection for Active Learning
Tazdik Patwary Plateau Dr. Jonghyun Park Polymer Composites as Resilient Shields Against Electromagnetic Pollution
Tobechukwu Kingsley Abor Dr. Anthony Okafor Investigation of Thermal Conductivity of Vegetable Oil-Based Nanofluids for Minimum Quantity Lubrication Machining of Difficult-to-cut Metals
Tunay Turk Dr. Ming Leu Numerical Simulations and Experimental Validation of Laser Foil Printing Additive Manufacturing to Predict Melt Pool Dimensions and Cooling Rate
Visharad Jalan Dr. Haiming Wen Additive Manufacturing of Continuous SiC Fiber-reinforced SiC Ceramic Composite by an Extrusion-based Technique


The winners and the names of their papers are:

  • First place: Jonathan Kelley, “Effect of Laser Beam Shape on Melt Pool Geometry in Powder-based Laser-directed Energy Deposition” advised by Dr. Frank Liou
  • Second place: Tao Liu, “In-Situ Powder Thermal Diffusivity Measurement in Laser Powder Bed Fusion through Lock-in Long-wave Infrared Thermography” advised by Dr. Ming Leu
  • Third place: Tazdik Patwary Plateau, “Multifunctional Carbon Nanofibers via Selective Laser Carbonization and Plasma Stabilization” advised by Dr. Jonghyun Park
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Arindam Khanda Dr. Sajal Das Finding Efficient Routes for Drone-based Delivery under Time-varying Dynamics
Baya Cherif Dr. Ahmad Alsharoa Leveraging LiDAR Sensor for Robust Pedestrian Detection and Tracking
Behzad Farzanegan Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani Lifelong Reinforcement Learning-Based Optimal Tracking Control for Marine Applications
Colton Walker Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani Learn from the past: Using peer data to improve course recommendations in personalized education
Ehab ur Rahman Dr. Rui Bo A Computer Vision Based GMPP Tracking for Photovoltaic System Under Partial Shading Condition
Eyuel Getahun Dr. Steven Corns Reducing discrimination in hiring using algorithmic recommendations: An investigation into how people make hiring decision when receiving biased AI recommendations
Haotian Tang Dr. Jie Gao Wavelength-tunable infrared chiral metasurfaces with phase-change materials 
Jonathan Kelley Dr. Frank Liou Effect of laser beam shape on melt pool geometry in powder-based laser-directed energy deposition
Kartikeya Jayadurga Prasad Veeramraju Dr. Jonathan Kimball Soft Switching Analysis in an AC-AC Dual Active Bridge for Reactive Power Flow Mechanism
Md. Hasibur Rahman Dr. Sanjay Madria Machine Learning for Vision-based UAV Detection and Tracking: Current Developments and Challenges
Mohamed Elmahallawy Dr. Tony Luo Secure and Efficient Federated Learning in LEO Constellations using Decentralized Key Generation On-Orbit Model Aggregation
Paul Onyishi Dr. Anthony Okafor Study of Thermal Conductivity of Low Oleic and High Oleic Soybean Oils as Base Fluids for Minimum Quantity Lubrication when Machining of Difficult-to-cut Metals and Conventional Emulsion Cutting Fluids as Benchmark
Ronit Das Dr. Tony Luo Modelling Weiner Processes using Moment Matching Network
Saeed Habibi Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi An Extendable High gain Boost Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
Sasha Petrenko Dr. Donald Wunsch II Deep Adaptive Resonance Theory
Siva Sai Krishna Dasari Dr. K Chandrashekhara Additive Manufactured Composite Tool Plate for Injection Molding Process
Tao Liu Dr. Ming Leu In-Situ Powder Thermal Diffusivity Measurement in Laser Powder Bed Fusion through Lock-in Long-wave Infrared Thermography
Tazdik Patwary Plateau Dr. Jonghyun Park Multifunctional Carbon Nanofibers via Selective Laser Carbonization and Plasma Stabilization
Visharad Jalan Dr. Haiming Wen Microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation behavior of laser remelted refractory high entropy alloy
Yueken Chen Dr. Xiangyang Dong Multifunctional characterization of 3D printed carbon fiber structural battery composites


The winners and the names of their papers are: 

  • First place: Sasah Petrenko, "Lifelong Context Recognition via Online Deep Clustering" advised by Dr. Donald Wunsch
  • Second place: Ramin Rahimi, "An Interleaved High Step-Up DC-DC Converter with Built-in Transformer for Renewable Energy Applications” advised by Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi and Dr. Pourya Shamsi
  • Third place: Tao Liu, "In-Situ Infrared Thermographic Inspection for Local Powder Layer Thickness Measurement in Laser Powder Bed Fusion" advised by Dr. Ming Leu
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Arindam Khanda Dr. Sajal Das  Drone-Truck Co-operated Delivery System Under Time Varying Dynamics
Behzad Farzanegan Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani  Zero-Sum Game-Based Optimal Tracking Control of Nonlinear Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems by using Hybrid Learning and Experience Replay
Charnise Anderson Dr. Daniel Shank  Prejudice Toward the Accents of Smart Home Assistants
Haotian Tang Dr. Jie Gao  Dual-band Chiral Absorbers in the Mid-infrared Regime
Kartikeya Veeramraju Dr. Jonathan Kimball  Power Flow Analysis and Mechanisms for an AC-AC-DC Triple Active Bridge Based Solid State Transformer
Md Yasin Kabir Dr. Sanjay Madria  Polarization detection and exploration using COVID-19 tweets
Mohamed Elmahallawy Dr. Tony Luo Enhanced Asynchronous Federated Learning for Leo Mega-Constellations Via Inter-Hap Links
Nicolas Dobbins Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani Personalizing Student Graduation Paths using Expressed Student Interests
Omar Rinchi Dr. Ahmad Alsharoa  Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Near-Field Localization Using Atomic Norm Minimization
Paul Nnarotam Onyishi Dr. Anthony Okafor  Cutting Strategies for Machining Advance Material
Ramin Rahimi Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi and Dr. Pourya Shamsi An Interleaved High Step-Up DC-DC Converter with Built-in Transformer for Renewable Energy Applications
Sasha Petrenko Dr. Donald Wunsch  Lifelong Context Recognition via Online Deep Clustering
Siva Sai Krishna Dasari Dr. K Chandrashekhara Evaluation of Fracture Toughness of Additively Manufactured Metal Cellular Structures
Tao Liu Dr. Ming Leu  In-Situ Infrared Thermographic Inspection for Local Powder Layer Thickness Measurement in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Tazdik Patwary Plateau Dr. Jonghyun Park  A Highly Conductive and Well-Percolated SiO2-based Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries via Rapid Flash Sintering Manufacturing
Usman Tariq Dr. Frank Liou  Numerical Analysis of Local Gas Shielding of Continuous Co-Axial Nozzle on Additive Manufactured Part
Victor Paul DeLibera Dr. Haiming Wen  Additive Manufacturing of Novel Precipitate-Strengthened Multi-Principal Element Alloys for High-Temperature Structrural Applications
Wei Su Dr. Xinhua Liang  Disclosing the Formation of LAGP Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering and Corresponding Battery Performances
Yasaman Jamalipour Soofi Dr. Cihan Dagli  Machine Learning-Assisted Aluminum Alloy Discovery
Yi Zhao Dr. Guirong Yan  Reveal Tornadic Wind Effects on Mobile or Manufactured Homes through High-Fidelity CFD Simulations

The winners and the names of their papers are:

  • First place: Tunay Turk, “Automating the Laser Foil Printing Process” advised by Dr. Ming Leu
  • Second place: Tazdik Patwary Plateau, “A Computational Analysis of Defect Generation in Thick Powder Bed Layers for High Build-rate LPBF Process” advised by  Dr. Jonghyun Park
  • Third place: Saeed Habibi, “Efficiency Assessment of a DC House at Low and High Distribution Voltages.” advised by  Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Akhil Menon Dr. Xinhua Liang Bifunctional Catalysts for Single-step CO2 Hydrogenation to DME
Arindam Khanda Dr. Sajal Das A Dynamic Graph Approach Towards Efficient Drone-based Delivery System
Chen Zhu Dr. Jie Huang Microwave Device Inspired by Fiber-Optic Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometer: A Novel-Ultrasensitive Sensing Platform 
Christopher Croft Dr. Frank Liou Process Feedback and Control in Wire fed Additive Manufacturing Processes
Congjie Wei Dr. Xiangyang Dong Modeling for Crack Propagation Based on Deep Learning and Long Short Term Memory Networks
Maxwell Geiger Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani Optimal Tracking Control of Partially Uncertain Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems with Application to Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Using Adaptive Dynamic Programming
Md Asad Rahman Dr. Jinling Liu Apply and Evaluate an Instance-Specific Causal Machine Learning Framework for Identifying the Causative Genomic Variants of Hypertension
Md Yasin Kabir Dr. Sanjay Madria Machine Learning Models for Emotion Exploration Using COVID-19 Tweets
Muhammad Malik Dr. Jonathan Kimball Analytical Expression for DC Link Capacitor Current in a Cascaded H-Bridge Multi-Level Active Front-End Converter
Nathan Lutes Dr. Siddhardh Nadendla Effects pf Inattention on Bayesian Stackelberg Equilibrium in Driver-Vehicle Interaction Under Road State Uncertainty
Oluwadamilare Omale Dr. Benjamin Kwasa Modelling the Spread of Fire in Urban Infrastructure Using Virtual Reality
Ramin Rahimi Dr. Pourya Shamsi A DC-DC Converter with Voltage-Boosting Capability for Using Photovoltaic Energy in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Saeed Habibi Dr. Pourya Shamsi Efficiency Assessment of a DC House at Low and High Distribution Voltages
Simon Thougaard Dr. Bruce McMillin Collaborative Intrusion Detection for Large Autonomous Drone Swarms
Siva Dasari Dr. K Chandrashekhara Process Modeling and Manufacturing of Carbon Fiber Composites Using Microwave Curing
Tazdik Plateau Dr. Ming Leu & Dr. Jonghyun Park A Computational Analysis of Defect Generation in Thick Powder Layers for High Build-Rate Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process
Theodore Nwoguh Dr. Antony Okafor Effects of Milling Method and Cutting Speed on Cutting Force and Tool Wear
Tunay Turk Dr. Ming Leu Automating the Laser Foil Printing Process
Xin Wang Dr. Douglas Bristow & Dr. Robert Landers A Control-Oriented Switched Model with Adaptive Control Design for Selective Laser Melting


Cancelled due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.


The winners and the names of their papers are:

  • First place: Wenyuan Cui, “Fabrication of AlCoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloy Coating on an AISI 304 Substrate via a CoFe2Ni Intermediate Layer” advised by Dr. Frank Liou
  • Second place: He Li, “Application of Switched Iterative Learning Control to Multi-Agent System Coordination” advised by Dr. Douglas Bristow & Dr. Robert Landers
  • Third place: Aditya Thakur, “Fabrication and Characterization of High-Purity Alumina Ceramics Doped with” advised by Dr. Xiangyang Dong
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Adam Bratten Dr. Haiming Wen Additive Manufacturing of SIC for Nuclear Application
Adityya Thakur Dr. Xiangyang Dong Fabrication and Characterization of High-Purity Alumina Ceramics Doped with
Ajay Pratap Dr. Sajal Das On Maximizing Task Throughput in IoT-Enabled 5G Networks Under Latency and Bandwidth
Akhilesh Raj Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani Distributed State Estimation and Tracking Scheme using Active Passive Sensor Networks
Ayan Roy Dr. Sanjay Madria Vanet and Cloud-Based Secure Traffic Monitoring
Charng-Yuh Lee Dr. Xiangyang Dong 3D-Printing of a Multifunctional Lithium-Ion Electrode with Fused Deposition Modeling
Chia-Hung Hung Dr. Ming Leu Enhanced Mechanical Properties for 304L Stainless Steel Parts Fabricated by Laser-Foil-Printing Additive Manufacturing
Deacon Seals Dr. Minsu Choi A Survey of Automated FPGA-Based Accelerator Generation
Fernaz Jasdanwala Dr. Bruce McMillin Application of formal Methods in Computer Security to Telemedicine
He Li Dr. Douglas Bristow & Dr. Robert Landers Application of Switched Iterative Learning Control to Multi-Agent System Coordination
Hiep Pham Dr. Robert Landers & Dr. Jonghyun Park A Novel Cell Design of Alkaline-Based Zinc-Iodide Flow Battery for Enhancing Energy and Power Performance
Leixin Ouyang Dr. Xiaodong Yang Near-Infrared Broad Band Chiral Plasmonic Metasurface Absorbers
Marium Yousuf Dr. Sajal Das & Dr. Devin Burns Diagnosing Dementia Using Smart Chair, Wearable Device, and Testing Apps
Matthew Luebe  Dr. Maalavan Arivu  Direct Laser Deposition of Fe-Cr, Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-Cr Alloys as a Pathway to Additive Manufacturing of High-Entropy Alloys 
Md Moniruzzaman Dr. Zhaozheng Yin & Dr. Ruwen Qin Spatial Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Fire and Traffic Accident Scene Classification
Muhammad Azmain Abdullah Dr. Xiaodong Yang & Dr. Jie Gao Infrared Metasurface Perfect Thermal Emitter for Molecule Sensing
Muhammad Roman Dr. Ming Leu Development of a Temperature Sensing System Based on a Longwave Infrared (LWIR) Thermal Camera for Smart Aerospace Additive Manufacturing
Natasha Jarus Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani Formalizing Cyber-Physical System Model Transformation Via Abstract Interpretation
Okanmisope Fashanu Dr. K. Chandrashekhara Composite Sandwich Structures with Additively Manufactured Metallic Cores
R. Krishnan Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani Distributed Optimization Scheme for Deep Neural Network Weight Tuning
S. Mohammad H. Hojjatzadeh Dr. Lianyi Chen Microscale Dynamics and Mechanisms of Flash Sintering Process Revealed by In-Situ X-Ray Imaging Technique
Sachin Choudhary Dr. Ming C. Leu A Review of Extrusion Freeform Fabrication Methods for Ceramic Additive Manufacturing
Sai Hemanth Kankanala Dr. Jonathan W. Kimball Modeling and Control of Fast Charging Station
Sara Yazdani Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi Effect of Virtual Inertia on DC-Link Capacitor Condition Monitoring in a PV-Statcom
Shudip Datta Dr. Sanjay Madria Secure Information Forwarding Through Fragmentation In Delay-Tolerant Networks
Simon Thougaard Dr. Bruce McMillin  Catching the Thief Eventually
Siva Sai Krishna Dasari Dr. K. Chandrashekhara Microwave Curing for Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
Theodore Obumselu Nwoguh Dr. Anthony Chukwujekwu Okafor Effects of Milling Method and Cutting Speed on Machinability in High-Speed Face Milling of Inconel-718 Under Emulsion Flood Cooling Using Shell Mill Inserts
Wenyuan Cui Dr. Frank Liou Fabrication of AlCoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloy Coating on an AISI 304 Substrate via a CoFe2Ni Intermediate Layer
Yaqi Zhu Dr. Jonghyun Park  Multi-Physical Modeling of Selective Laser Melting
Yitao Chen Dr. Frank Liou A Review of Metallic Functionally Graded Materials Fabricated by Directed Energy Deposition
Zuhui Wang Dr. Zhaozheng Yin  Dr. Instagram May Be a Liar: Detecting Medical Misinformation on Social Media 


The winners and the names of their papers are:

  • First place: Wenbin Li, “Fabricating Ceramic Components with Water Dissolvable Support Structures by The Ceramic On-Demand Extrusion Process” advised by Dr. Ming C. Leu, Dr. Gregory E. Hilmas
  • Second place: Mohammad Moniruzzaman, “Video-Based Human Action Recognition Using Spatial and Temporal Attention” advised by Dr. Zhaozheng Yin
  • Third place: Krishnan Raghavan, “Mitigating Heterogeneity and Data-Noise of Bigdata using Deep Neural Network Learning Based Analytics” advised by Dr. Sarangapani
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Akhilesh Raj Dr. Sarangapani  Distributed State Estimation by Using Consensus Based Adaptive Observers
Anandan Sudharshan  Dr. K. Chandrashekhara, Dr. Joseph Newkirk Failure in Additively Manufactured Metal Honeycombs
Ayan Roy Dr. Sanjay Madria Velocity-Based Data Authentication in Vehicular AD-HOC Network
Brad J. Ziegler Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani Analysis and Prediction of Failure for Embedded Systems: A Proposal for Doctoral Research
Arul Mathi Maran Chandran  Shanshan Bi, Kenneth Naumann, and Jared Hanisch Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems with Application to Vehicle-to-Vehicle Collision Avoidance
Vamsi Krishna Dr. Bruce McMillin, Dr. Jonathan Kimball Comparative study for Security Analysis of various Transactive Energy Management architectures in Smart Grid- Cyber Physical Systems
Islam Elnabarawy, Daniel Tauritz Dr. Wunsch Evolving Fuzzy ART Functionality Using A Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristic
Giacomo Fraioli Abhijit Gosavi, Lesley Sneed Discrete-Event-Based Simulation (DEBS) Model for Post-Earthquake Response in a Smart City
Emily Jeanisea YanXiao Li Effects of Origami and Kirigami indoor blinds on cognitive ability, emotions and attitudes
Jian Kang Yousef Elmehdwi, Dan Lin SLIM: Secure and Lightweight Identity Management in VANETs with Minimum Infrastructure Reliance
Anirudh Krishnamurthy Buddhabhushan Salunkhe, Dr. Fateme Rezaei, and Dr. Schuman Breathable Paints for Indoor Air CO2 Control in Smart Buildings
Lan Li Dr. Liou Evaluation of Semi-Infinite Vertical Cracks Using Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) Infrared Thermography
Leixin Ouyang Dr. Xiaodong Yang Infrared Chiral Plasmonic Metasurface Absorber
Jie Li Dr. Park Near-Field Electrospinning Process of Piezoelectric Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride)(PVDF) Fibers
Wei Lia Dr. Liou Experimental and Modeling Investigations on Pre-mixed Powder Flow in Laser Metal Deposition
S. Mohammad, H. Hojjatzadeh, Wei Luo Dr. Lianyi Chen, Dr. Zhaozheng Yin Revealing the Origin of Quality Uncertainty in Selective Laser Melting of Metals by Computer Vision Based Methods

MD Azharul Islam

Dr. Sanjay Madria A Blockchain Assisted Provenance System for Cloud
Md Moniruzzaman Dr. Zhaozheng Yin Video-Based Human Action Recognition Using Spatial and Temporal Attention
Samareh Moradpour Dr. Suzanna Long A Decision-making Framework Based on a Combination of Multi-criteria Decisionmaking and Data Mining Methods for Work Zone Safety
Nathan Jarus Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani, Dr. Ali Hurson Transforming Cyber-Physical System Models
Theodore Nwoguh Dr. Anthony C. Okafor Investigation of Cutting Forces and Modeling in High Speed Face-Milling of Difficult-to-Cut Metals
Paresh Patel Dr. Kimball A robust grid-connected inverter control design against large-transient grid disturbances
Sai Sidharth Patlolla Dr. Bruce McMillen An Approach for Formal Analysis of the Security of a Water Treatment Testbed
Qizi Zhang Dr. Balakrishnan Parameter Estimation with Quantum Inspired Techniques and Adaptive Multiple-Mode Filters
Krishnan Raghavan Dr. Sarangapani Mitigating Heterogeneity and Data-Noise of Bigdata using Deep Neural Network Learning Based Analytics
Satyaki Roy Dr. Sajal K. Das Bio-DRN: Bio-Inspired Disaster Response Network
Sudharsan Vaidhun Dr. Zhishan Guo, Dr. Sajal K. Das Air Traffic Scheduling under Uncertain Sector Capacities
Wenbin Li Dr. Ming C. Leu, Dr. Gregory E. Hilmas Fabricating Ceramic Components with Water Dissolvable Support Structures by The Ceramic On-Demand Extrusion Process
Sara Yazdani Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi Implementation of a Voltage Sensor-less Current-Control Technique Based on Internal Model Principle with Xilinx System Generator
Yiheng Wang Dr. Zheng 3-Dimensional Path Planning for Multiple AUVs Using Dubins Curves
Yingqi Li Dr. Ming Leu, Dr. Hai-lung Tsai Additive Manufacturing of Zr-Based Metallic Glass Structures on 304 Stainless Steel Substrates via V/TI/ZR Intermediate Layers
Yiyang Zhuang Dr. Huang Rayleigh Backscattering Based Distributed Liquid Pipeline Detection with a Pre-Heating Apparatus
Zhengwei Hu Dr. Du System Reliability Prediction with Outsourced Components Based on Partial Safety Factor Method

 The winners and the names of their papers are:

  • First place: Yiyu Shen, “The Time Evolution Of Crystallization in Laser Welding Of Metallic Glass” advised by Dr. Tsai
  • Second place: Ryan Lawhead, “A Bounded Actor-Critic Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning with Applications in Airline Revenue Management” advised by Dr. Abhijit Gosavi, Dr. Susan Murray
  • Third place: Muthukumaran Loganathan, “A Quasi-Repetitive Controller for Accurate Imaging in Atomic Force Microscopy.” advised by Dr. Douglas A. Bristow
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Sudharshan Anandan Dr. Chandrashekhara, Dr. Schuman Modeling and Simulation of Curing Process in Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
Benjamin Daniels Dr. Tauritz Minimizing Attack Vectors in Computer Systems by Evolving Access Control Matrices
Vijay K. Shah  Dr. Sajal Das  CTR: Cluster based Topological Routing for Disaster Response Networks
Yao Cheng  Dr. Xiaoping Du Effect of Dependent Interval Distribution Parameters on Reliability Prediction
Yingqi Li  Dr. Ming Leu  Laser Welding of Metallic Glass Foils onto Ti Substrate in Laserfoil-Printing Additive Manufacturing
George J. Shannon  Dr. Steven Corns, Dr. Donald Wunsch Cognition-Based Natural Language Processing and Search for Medicine
Zhishan Guo Dr. Ashikahmed Bhuiyan Energy-Efficient Multi-Core Scheduling for Real-Time DAG Tasks
Haohan Li Dr. Zhaozheng Yin A Deep Learning Framework for Automated Vesicle Fusion Detection
Himanshu Jethawa Dr. Sanjay Madria Incentive Mechanism for Data-centric Message Delivery in Delay Tolerant Networks
Isam Alobaidi Dr. Sedigh Sarvestani, Dr. A.R. Hurson An Investigation of Diagnostic and Prognostic Applications of Graph Mining
Islam Elnabarawy Dr. Donald Wunsch II Evolutionary Computation for the Automated Design of Category Functions for Fuzzzy ART: An Initial Exploration
Raghavender Reddy Jakka Dr. Lianyi Chen Embedding fiber Optic Sensor into Copper Mold for Continuous Casting of Steel
Paras Mohan Jasra Dr. A.C. Okafor Effects of Cooling Strategies and Milling Methods on Machinability in High Speed End-Milling of Difficult-to-Cut Metals
Joshua D. Heck Dr. Ming Leu Bio-Inspired Flow Fields for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells – Identifying O
Koosha Marashi Dr. Sedigh Sarvestani, Dr. A.R. Hurson Consideration of Cyber-Physical Interdependencies in Reliability Modeling of Smart Grids
R. Krishnan Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani, Dr. V.A. Samaranayake A Nonlinear Hierarchical Dimension Reduction Approach Based Generalized Distance Measure for Big Data Analytics
Lei Wang Dr. Zawodniok Hypothesis Test based Motion & Location Sensor Fusion for Tracking in GPS-Challenging Environment
Lei Yana Dr. Joe Newkirk, Dr. Frank Liou Functionally Graded Ti and γ-TiAl by Direct Laser Deposition
Leixin Ouyang Dr. Xiaodong Yang Infrared Radiation Absorbers using Multilayer Metamaterial Cavities
Wei Lia Dr. Frank Liou Effect of Optimizing Particle Size in 3D Printing Functional Graded Material with Blown Pre-mixed Multi-powder
Muthukumaran Loganathan Dr. Douglas A. Bristow A Quasi-Repetitive Controller for Accurate Imaging in Atomic Force Microscopy
Md Azharul Islam Dr. Sanjay Madria A Dynamic Multi-Group Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Cloud
Samareh Moradpour Dr. Suzanna Long Data Analytics and Merging Behavior in Work Zone: A Driving Simulator Study
Subhajyoti Mukherjee Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi Control of a Single-Phase Standalone Inverter without an Output Voltage Sensor
Prashanth Palaniswamy Dr. Bruce McMillin Cyber-Physical Security of a Power Grid System using a Testbed
Sai Sidharth Patlolla Dr. Bruce McMillin Cyber-Physical Security of a Water Treatment System using a Testbed
Ryan Lawhead Dr. Abhijit Gosavi, Dr. Susan Murray A Bounded Actor-Critic Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning with Applications in Airline Revenue Management
Yiyu Shen Dr. Tsai The Time Evolution Of Crystallization in Laser Welding Of Metallic Glass
Sima Das Dr. Sajal Das Graph Compaction in Analyzing Large Scale Online Social Networks
N. Vignesha Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani Event Triggered Control of Interconnected Systems using Integral Reinforcement L
Xiahan Yang Dr. Yahong Rosa Zheng An Image Denoising Method for SAR Images with Low-Sampling Measurements
Ruoxi Zhang Dr. Sylvestri A Network Tomography Approach for Traffic Monitoring in Smart Cities Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles


  The winners and the names of their papers are:

  • First place: Muthukumaran Loganathan, “Nanoscale Plowing Process Control Using Dual-Probe Atomic Force Microscopy” advised by Dr. Douglas Bristow
  • Second place (Tied): Sudharshan Anandan, “Modeling and Simulation of Curing Process in Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites”
  • Second place (Tied): Haifeng Niu, “Development of Attack Detection Scheme for a Class of Cyber-Physical Systems” advised by Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani
  • Second place (Tied): Srinivas Thandu, “Crack Detection in Material by Analyzing DMD Illuminated Spatial-temporal Therma” advised by Dr. Zhaozheng Yin & Dr. Edward Kinzel
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Benjamin Daniels Dr. Daniel Tauritz  Co-Evolutionary Methods to Find Alternative Solutions to Thwart APTs
John Daniel Peterson Dr. Tansel Yucelen New Active--Passive Dynamic Consensus Filter to Reduce the Overall Communication
Gijian Li  Dr. Jie Gao Optical Forces in Coupled Plasmonic Split-Ring Resonators 
Muthukumaran Loganathan Dr. Douglas Bristow Nanoscale Plowing Process Control Using Dual-Probe Atomic Force Microscopy
Md Azharl Islam Dr. Sanjay Madria Broadcast Scheme Access Policy Using Descriptive Attributes with the Ciphertext
Haifeng Niu Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani Development of Attack Detection Scheme for a Class of Cyber-Physical Systems
Paras Jasra Dr. Anthony Okafor The Effect of Cooling Strategies of Difficult-to-Cut Metals
Prakash Rao Dunaka Dr. Bruce McMillin Cybersecurity of a Chemical Plant
Sima Das Dr. Sajal Das A Community Detection Algorithm with Predefined Upper Bound on the Number
Samareh Moradpour Dr. Suzanna Long Using Simulation to Create a Data Driven Decision Framework for Transportation
Srinivas Thandu Dr. Zhaozheng Yin & Dr. Edward Kinzel Crack Detection in Material by Analyzing DMD Illuminated Spatial-temporal Therma
Uday Kanteti Dr. Bruce McMillin A Multiple Security Domain Model of a Vehicle in an Automated Vehicle System
Vignesh Narayanan Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani Event-Sampled Approximate Optimal Control of Nonlinear Interconnected Systems
Wenchao Jiang Dr. Zhaozheng Yin Accelerometry Signals into a Novel Two-Dimensional Activity Image
Wenbin Li Dr. Ming Leu A Freeform Extrusion Process for Producing Solid Ceramic Components
Wei Li Dr. Frank Liou Experimental & Thermodynamic Modeling Analysis for Functionally Graded Material
Wenjin Tao Dr. Ming Leu Design Of Lattice Structure for Additive Manufacturing
Xiaofei Cao Dr. Sanjay Madria Z-order Encoding Based Delta Compression in Wireless Sensor Networks
Xiahan Yang Dr. Yahong Rosa Zheng Compressed Sensing (CS) Techniques for Image Recovery from Sparse Measurement
Yiyu Shen Dr. Hai-Lung Tsai 3D Printing of Bulk Metallic Glass by Foil-Based Additive Manufacturing Tech
Zhifu Zhu Dr. Xiaoping Du A System Reliability Method with Dependent Kriging Predictions

The winners and the names of their papers are:

  • First place: Thomas Roth, “Physical Attestation as a Security Mechanism for Distributed State Verification” advised by Dr. Bruce McMillen
  • Second place: Amir Ghazanfari and Wenbin Li, “A Novel Additive Manufacturing Process for Embedding Sensors Into Ceramic Parts” advised by Dr. Ming Leu
  • Third place (Tie): Sudharshan Anandan, “Cure Kinetics of a Carbon Fiber/Bismaleimide Prepreg System” advised by Dr. Chandrashekhara
  • Third place (Tie): Islam Elnabarawy, “Biclustering ARTMAP Collaborative Filtering Recommender System” advised by Dr. Donald Wunsch
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Anurag Panwar Dr. Sriram Chellappan and Dr. Bruce McMillin An Algorithm to Address a Location Marginal Pricing Problem in Smart Grids
Ashikahmed Bhuiyan Dr. Zhishan Guo  Energy-Aware Real-time Scheduling of a Set of Sporadic Directed Acyclic Graph
Benjamin Daniels Dr. Daniel Tauritz  Minimizing Attack Vectors in Computer Systems by Evolving Access Control Matrice
Brandon Ludwig Dr. Heng Pan and Dr. Jie Gao Bonding Strength Capabilities of Lithium Ion Batteries Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing
Bryce Schumacher Dr. Donald Wunsch  Common Fallacies and PitFalls of Machine Learning in Finance
George Rush Dr. Daniel Tauritz  Coevolutionary Agent-based Network Defense Lightweight Event System (CANDLES)
George J. Shannon Dr. Donald Wunsch Cognition-Based Natural Language Processing and Search for Medicine
Haifeng Niu Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani Optimal Defense and Control for Cyber-Physical Systems
Haohan Li Dr. Zhaozheng Yin  A Framework to Automatically Detect Fusion Events
Himanshu Jethawa Dr. Sanjay Madria  Incentive Mechanism for Data-Centric Message Delivery in Delay Tolerant Networks
Isam Alobaidi Dr. Jennifer Leopold  Data Mining Techniques in Health-Care Prediction
Islam Elnabarawy Dr. Donald Wunsch Biclustering ARTMAP Collaborative Filtering Recommender System
Koosha Marashi Dr. Sedighsarvestani  Quantitative Reliability Modeling of Intelligent Water Distribution Networks
Krishnan Raghavan Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani A Nonlinear Hierarchical Dimension Reduction Approach Based Generalized Distance Measure for Big Data Analytics
Lei Wang Dr. Maciej Zawodniok  Hypothesis Test Based Motion and Location Sensor Fusion
Lei Yan Dr. Frank Liou Functionally Graded Ti and γ -TiAl by Direct Laser Deposition
Leixin Ouyang Dr. Xiaodong Yang Infrared Radiation Absorbers using Multilayer Metamaterial Cavities
Luke Gilbert Dr. Bristow, Dr. Kinzel, and Dr. Landers  Development of a System for Glass Additive Manufacturing
Md Azharul Islam Dr. Sanjay Madria  A Dynamic Multi-Group Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Cloud
Muthukumaran Loganathan Dr. Bristow, Dr. Kinzel, and Dr. Landers  A Quasi-Repetitive Controller for Accurate Imaging in Atomic Force Microscopy
Nima Lotfi Dr. Robert Landers  Electrochemical Model-based Adaptive Estimation of Li-ion Battery State of Charge
Paras Jasra Dr. Okafor  Increased Material Removal Rate to Improve Machining Performance
Prashanth Palaniswamy Dr. Bruce McMillin  Cyber-Physical Security of a Power Grid System using a Testbed
Raghavender Jakka Lianyi Chen  Embedding fiber Optic Sensor into Copper Mold for Continuous Casting of Steel
Ruoxi Zhang Dr. Simone Silvestri  Network Tomographic Techniques to Improve Traffic Monitoring
Ryan Lawhead Dr. Abhijit Gosavi  A Bounded Actor-Critic Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning
Sai Patlolla Dr. Bruce McMillin  Cyber-Physical Security of a Power Grid System using a Testbed 
Samareh Moradpour Dr. Suzanna Long Data Analytics and Merging Behavior in Work Zone: A Driving Simulator Study
Sima Das Dr. Sajal Das  Novel Graph Compaction Algorithms that Generate the Desired Compact Graph
Sreekar Karnati Dr. Frank Liou Laser Metal Deposition of Functionally Gradient Materials from Elemental Copper
Subhajyoti Mukherjee Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi Synchronization and Control of Grid-Tied Voltage Source Converterv
Sudharshan Anandan Dr. Chandrashekhara Cure Kinetics of a Carbon Fiber/Bismaleimide Prepreg System
Vignesh Narayanan Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani Non-Cooperative Game Theoretic Formulation along with Off-Policy Reinforcement
Vijay Shah Dr. Sajal Das and Dr. Donald Wunsch CTR: A Cluster based Topological Routing for Disaster Response Networks
Wei Li Dr. Frank Liou Effect of Optimizing Particle Size in 3D Printing Functional Graded Material with Blown Pre-Mixed Multi-Powder
Xiahan Yang Dr. Yahong Zheng An Image Denoising Method for SAR Images with Low-Sampling Measurements
Yao Cheng Dr. Xiaoping Du  Effect of Dependent Interval Distribution Parameters on Reliability Prediction
Yingqi Li Dr. Ming Leu  Use of Zr Interlayer, Crack-Free Joints to the Formation of Ductile α-Zr Phase
Yiyu Shen Dr. Hai-Lung Tsai The Time Evolution Of Crystallization in Laser Welding Of Metallic Glass

The winners and the names of their papers are:

  • First place: Haifeng Niu, “Wireless Passive RFID Networks” advised by Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani
  • Second place: Yi Ling, “Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Connectivity Assessment And Relay Node Deployment” advised by Dr. Maggie Cheng
  • Third place: Muthukumaran Loganathan, “Dip-Pen Nanolithography Process Control Using A Dual-Probe AFM” advised by Dr. Douglas Bristow
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Amir Ghazanfari Dr. Ming Leu  Design of Functionally Gradient Parts for Freeze-Form Extrusion Fabrication Process
Avimanyu Sahoo  Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani  Event-Based Optimal Control of Uncertain Linear Dynamic Systems Viewed as a Cyber-Physical System 
Benjamin Gruenwald Dr. Tansel Yucelen  Adaptive Control Of Safety-Critical Systems: Performance Optimization For Guaranteed Learning
Brijesh Chejerla Dr. Sanjay Madria  Robust Scheduling And Quality Of Service In Attack Resilient Cloud Assisted
Changyu Hu Dr. Xiaodong Yang  Perimental Characterization of Optical Nonlocality in Metal Dielectric
Chen Chen Dr. Hai-Lung Tsai  Hermetic Sealing of Glass-to-Metal Via Lasers
Chukwujekwu Nnadi Dr. Anthony Okafor  Improving Machinability Of Difficult-To-Cut Advanced Aerospace Materials Through High-Speed End-Milling
Dao Lam Dr. Donald Wunsch  An Intgrated Methodology for Clustering and Visualizing Mixed, Erroneous, Missing Features and Outliers
George Rush Dr. Daniel Tauritz  DCAFE: A Distributed Cyber Security Automation Framework For Experiments
Haifeng Niu Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani Wireless Passive RFID Networks
Huawei Yang Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi  A High-Gain DC-DC Power Converter Topology
Isam Alobaidi Dr. Jennifer Leopold  Reliable and Privacy Preserved Communications In Smart-Grids
Jacob Wilson Dr. Edward Kinzel  Formation Of Micro-Scale Hexagonally Periodic Structures Using Microsphere
Jingwei Zhang Dr. Frank Liou  Probabilistic Simulation Of Solidification Temperature And Morphology Evolution During Laser-Based Metal Deposition
Krishna Kolan Dr. Ming Leu  Borate Bioactive Glass Scaffolds Made By The Selective Laser Sintering Process
Li Feng Dr. Bruce McMillin  Quantification Of Information Flow In A Smart Grid
Mayank Raj Dr. Sajal Das Energy Aware Disaster Recovery Network Using WiFi Tethering
Michael Catanzaro Dr. Bruce McMillin  Plug And Play Device Management For The FREEDM Distributed Grid Intelligence
Muthu Loganathan Dr. Douglas Bristow Dip-Pen Nanolithography Process Control Using A Dual-Probe AFM
NagaPrashanth Chanda Dr. Xiaoqing Frank Liu Software Architecture Rationale Capture and Reuse Through Intelligent Argumentation
Niaz Ahmed Dr. Yahong Zheng  Experimental Evaluation Of A Magneto-Inductive Communication System For Underwater Wireless Sensor Network Applications
Renwei Liu Dr. Frank Liou  Multi-Axis Path Planning For Robotic Machining In Hybrid System
Sudharshan Anandan Dr. Chandrashekharaa and Dr. Xiao Monitoring Carbon/BMI Composite Laminates Using Embedded Fiber Optic Sensors
Xin Qiu Dr. Mariesa Crow  A Microgrid Framework For Smart Control
Yang Zhang Dr. Robert Landers  Control Oriented Thrust Force Of Wire Saw Machining
Yi Ling Dr. Maggie Cheng  Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Connectivity Assessment And Relay Node Deployment
Yunxiang Mao Dr. Zhaozheng Yin  Who Missed The Class? - Unifying Multi-Face Detection, Tracking And Recognition in Videos
Zhifu Zhu Dr. Zhen Hu and Dr. Xiaoping Du Multidisciplinary Reliability Analysis With Stationary Stochastic Processes

  The winners and the names of their papers are:

  • First place: Zhen Hu, “Reliability Analysis for Hydrokinetic Turbine Blades Under Random River Velocity Field” advised by Dr. Du
  • Second place: Mingzhong Li, “Fast Motion Fly Tracking by Adaptive-LBP and Cascaded Data Association” advised by Dr. Qin
  • Third place: Aaron Thornton, “Freeze-form Extrusion Fabrication of Functionally Graded Materials.” advised by Dr. Leu
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Sudharshan Anandan Dr. Chandrashekhara, Dr. Schuman Out-of-Autoclave Processing of BMI Composites
Ravi Arvapally   Identifying Outlier Opinions in an Online Intelligent Argumentation System for Collaborative Decision Support
Xiaoming Cheng    Self-Healing Corrosion Protection by Phosphate-Doped Enamel Coatings on Steel in Simulated Cement Pore Fluid 
Sim Das   Interoperability Among Heterogeneous Mobile Multi-Databases
Huixu Deng   Metamaterial Absorber/Emitter Based on Nanowire Cavities for Solar Thermo-Photovoltaic Systems
Jianxun He   Characterization of Non-Metallic Inclusions and Micro-Porosity in Steel: Forged Ingots, Centrifugal and Net Shape Castings
Zhen Hu   Reliability Analysis for Hydrokinetic Turbine Blades Under Random River Velocity Field
Sriram Isanaka   Design and Manufacture of Light-Weight, Air Breathing Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Sejun Kim Dr. Donald Wunsch A Comparison of Clustering, Biclustering and Hierarchical Biclustering Algorithm
Vimal Kumar   Efficient and Secure Code Dissemination in Sensor Clouds
Dao Lam   Unsupervised Feature Learning Classification using an Extreme Learning Machine
Mingzhong Li   Fast Motion Fly Tracking by Adaptive-LBP and Cascaded Data Association
Renwei Liu and Zhiyuan Wang   Realization of Robot Ink Deposition on Curved Surfaces
Fnu Maigha   Stochastic Economic Scheduling of Residential PHEV Charging
Yungxiang Mao   Pedestrian Detection using Multiple Features
Doyal Mukherjee   Privacy Preserving Communications using Spherical Chord
Matthew Nuckolls   Automated Generation of Benchmarks with High Discriminatory Power for Specific Sets of Black Box Search Algorithms
Sai Preethi Vishwanathan   LOGCHECK: An API to Detect Cyber Bullying
Nathan Price   Comparative Analysis of Hardware Accelerated Cognitive Networks
Anagha Rayachoti   Improved Phase Shedding Techniques in Interleaved Converters
Avimanyu Sahoo   Adaptive Event-Triggered Control for Nonlinear Discrete Time Systems
Anusha Sankara, Chakradhar Vadde, and Srinivas Chakravarthi Thandu   Design of a Driver-Centric System Using CPS-CSH Model
Kenneth Smith   High Temperature Sensor Based on Fabry-Perot Interferometer in Ceramic Coaxial Cable
Ehsan Taghipour   Comparison of Compression Molding and Selective Laser Sintering Processes in making Composite Bipolar Plates for PEM Fuel Cells
Aaron Thornton   Freeze-form Extrusion Fabrication of Functionally Graded Materials
Lei Wang   Sensor Nodes Localization using Cellular Network
Zengli Yang   A Comparative Study of Sparse Methods for 3-D SAR Image Reconstruction
Qiming Zhao   Optimal Adaptive Controller Design for Unknown Linear Systems
Hesam Zomorodi Moghadam   Switching Model Predictive Control of Aqueous–Based Freeze Extrusion Fabrication Processes

 The winners and the names of their papers are:

  • First place: Nannan Guo, “Optimization Model for Bio-Inspired Design of Bipolar Plate Flow Fields for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells” advised by Dr. Leu
  • Second place: Bradley Kenneth Deuser, “Freeze-Form Extrusion Fabrication of Functionally Graded Materials” advised by Dr. Leu
  • Third place: Hamed Kajbaf, “Compressive Sensing for Wideband SAR Imaging Systems.” advised by Dr. Zheng
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Sparks Adivarekar Dr. Liou Methodology to Determine Kinematic Parameters for the Postprocessor of Multi-Axis CNC Milling Center
Ravi Arvapally Dr. Liu Identification of Faction Groups and Leaders in Web Based Intelligent Argumentation System for Collaborative Decision Support
Amir Hassan Bahmani Dr. Sedigh Ontology-based Techniques for Context-Aware Personalization of Educational Programs
Manohar Chamana Dr. Chowdhury Enabling Frequency and Voltage Regulation in Microgrids using Wind Power Plants
Lucas Damoah Dr. Peaslee Recycling of Solar Silicon Waste by Particle Sedimentation Under Electromagnetic Field
Bradley Deuser Dr. Leu Freeze-Form Extrusion Fabrication of Functionally Graded Materials
Li Feng Dr. Du Zero Knowledge Proofs for Exact Cover and 0-1 Knapsack
Nannan Guo Dr. Leu Optimization Model for Bio-Inspired Design of Bipolar Plate Flow Fields for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
Zhen Hu Dr. Zheng Fatigue Analysis for Structures Under Stochastic Loading
Zhen Huo Dr. Chandrashekhara Advanced Moisture Modeling of Polymer Composites
Hamed Kajbaf Dr. Zheng Compressive Sensing for Wideband SAR Imaging Systems
Heng Liu and Todd Sparks Dr. Liou Modeling and Verification of Temperature Distribution and Residual Stress in Laser Aided Metal Deposition Process
Patrick Margavio Dr. Tsai Microlens Array Light Trapping in CdTe/CdS Solar Cells
Tamal Paul Dr. Kimball and Dr. McMillin Unified Knowledge Model for Stability Analysis
Swithin Razu Dr. Taki An Approach to Study Impact of Public Policy, Exogenous Variables, and Vehicle Design on Greenhouse Gas Emission
Chou Shen Dr. Choi Smart Control for Natural Ventilation House
Kenneth Smith Dr. Xiao Embedded Sensors Based on Novel Microwave Grating
Hao Xu Dr. Sarangapani Stochastic Optimal Design of Nonlinear Networked Control System using Input/Output Measurements

  The winners and the names of their papers are:

  • First place: Hao Xu, “Model-free Optimal Design for Unknown Linear Networked Control System Zero-sum Games via Q-Learning” advised by Dr. Sarangapani
  • Second place: Vishwanath Ganikota,  “Continuous Synthesis of Freestanding ZnO Nanorods in a Flame Reactor” advised by Dr. Yangchuan Xing
  • Third place: Lucas Nana Wiredu Damoah, “Electromagnetic Recycling of Solar Cell Silicon Wastes” advised by Dr. Zhang
Presenter Advisor Paper Title
Ravi Akella Dr. Bruce McMillin Process Algebra and Bisimulation Techniques for Information Security
Amir Bahmani Dr. Sahra Sedigh Personalized Education with the Percepolis Platform
Siddhartha Biswas Dr. Kenneth Peaslee Development of a Model for Calculating
Jesse Cross Dr. Y Rosa Zheng Underwater Acoustic Channel Estimation and Analysis
Vishwanath Gandikota Dr. Yangchuan Xing Continuous Synthesis of Freestanding ZnO Nanorods in a Flame Reactor
Zhen Hu Dr. Xiaoping Du Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Turbine Blade in Extreme Wind Loading
Cameron Johnson Dr. G Kumar Venayagamoorthy Function Reproduction with Polychronous Spiking Networks
Golbarg Kazemitutunchi Dr. Scott Grasman A New Heuristic for Inventory Routing Problem with Backlog
Sejun Kim Dr. Donald Wunsch A GPU Based Parallel Hierarchical Fuzzy ART Clustering
Vimal Kumar Dr. Sanjay Madria Energy Efficient Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Sriram Prabhu Dr. Frank Liou Feasibility of Building an Overhang Structure using Direct Metal Deposition
Ch. Sweta Dhaveji  Dr. Frank Liou  Generic Visual Simulation of Manufacturing Equipment 
Anshuman Vaidya  Dr. Badrul H. Chowdhury  Microgrid Compatibility of Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems 
Josh Wilkerson  Dr. Daniel Tauritz  Automated Fitness Guided Fault Location