Our Mission

The mission of ISC is to perform basic and applied research to address scientific challenges and technology needs in developing intelligent systems for various industrial and societal applications, with the developed methodologies and technologies applicable to a variety of real-world problems in manufacturing, energy, smart living, and other fields.

ISC Logo
The Intelligent System Center's Logo.
South Entrance of Engineering Research Lab shot from below.
The Intelligent Systems Center is located on the third floor of the Engineering Research Lab.
ACIL TBI group members
The Applied Computational Intelligence Laboratory is one of several laboratories within the ISC.
Huang Demonstrating TBI technology to US ARMY
Dr. Jie Huang demonstrates technology that prevents traumatic brain injury to the US Army.
Heng Pan conducts research on nanomaterials
Dr. Heng Pan conducts research on nanomaterials for manufacturing applications.
Dr. Benjamin Kwasa uses virtual reality to demonstrate research on Unmanned Aerial Systems.
Jie Gao taking measurements
Dr. Jie Gao researches light-matter interactions in nanophotonics, plasmonics, and metamaterials.

Upcoming Seminars

Spring 2025 – TBD

Upcoming Events

Spring 2025 ISC Members Meeting - April 1, 2025, 12:00pm-1:00pm, Innovation Lab - Forum Room

19th Annual Graduate Research
Symposium - April 14, 2025, 8:00am-5:00pm, Innovation Lab - Forum Room

Upcoming Area Meetings

April 10, 2025, 12:00pm-1:00pm, 124 McNutt Hall: Intelligent Manufacturing Processes, Equipment, and Systems (IMPES). Learn more.

April 16, 2025, 12:00pm-1:00pm, 144 Toomey Hall: Advanced Simulation, Sensing, Control, and Communications (ASSCC). Learn more.

ISC News

The Intelligent Systems Center is located in the Engineering Research Lab on the North side of Campus.
Dr. Liou conducts research on additive and subtractive manufacturing
Dr. Frank Liou studies hybrid metal additive and subtractive manufacturing to increase efficiency of layered manufacturing processes.
Illustration of traumatic brain injury
Demonstration of traumatic brain injury scenarios that can be applied to military, sports, and other applications.
Meeting for the Traumatic Brain Injury research group
The Applied Computational Intelligence Laboratory searches for ways to better protect our soldiers from Traumatic Brain Injuries.
Dr. Shank Wright conducts research on smarthouses
Dr. Daniel Shank showcases the benefits of Smart Homes.

ISC Director

Dr. Frank Liou

ISC Director

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Dr. Frank Liou is the Michael and Joyce Bytnar Professor of Mechanical Engineering Department, Missouri University of Science and Technology. He has served as the Director of the Manufacturing Engineering Program at Missouri S&T since the year 1999 and has successfully received several curriculum development funds and set up two scholarship endowment programs. He has published a book on Rapid Prototyping along with over 300 technical papers. Dr. Liou’s research excels in additive manufacturing (AM), including hybrid additive and subtractive processes, path planning, multiscale multiphysics process modeling, and AM process monitoring and control. His research has been funded by AFRL, NASA, NSF, and industries. Dr. Liou has received several teaching, research, and service awards, including several best paper awards. Dr. Liou is a Fellow of ASME.


Dr Frank Liou Quad Chart titled Intelligent Manufacturing

Research Interests:

Metal additive manufacturing (AM), Novel AM process development and process planning, Multiscale multiphysics AM process modeling, Remanufacturing automation, Digital materials processing